Taking Shape

Annah ElizabethBeauty, Fave, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Travel1 Comment

Happy Tuesday, Journeyer! I hope you had a nice holiday weekend with family and friends! I started out my week with a lunch date with Beauty. She’s twenty-one and has been doing what healthy teenagers and young adults need to do…finding herself. It’s odd how all too often the finding of oneself includes the pushing away of those that love … Read More


Annah ElizabethHappiness, Happy Happens ™, Parenting3 Comments

Dear Journeyer, Sometimes we find ourselves swept up in day-to-day drudgery, dreams, and drama. This past week was filled with all of those. I spent most of the week catching up after being away at the National Grief and Hope Convention. Some of those activities included minutia like unpacking, doing laundry, putting away shoes and suitcases… There were pleasant doings … Read More

Love is…

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! Do you have a Love hangover today? All I can say is I’m glad the best cure for a hangover is “the hair of the dog that bit ya,” ‘cause I’ve got one more meme to add to the mix… Love is the warmth that fills our insides when we give to others… Love is the warmth … Read More

Chocolate is Salad, Happiness is a Smorgasbord

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! Right now, we’re returning from an out-of-town trip for Big Guy. I have to say that in this moment, as Warren drives through intermittent freezing rain and snow, I’m grateful that my boy doesn’t have use of his license right now. Chuckle… I guess there really are two sides to nearly every emotion… My youngest was driving … Read More

Anticipation, Perfectly Paused

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! As I round out this day, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I slept in, had a little fun playing phone games, completed a few tax tasks, transported Big Guy to a soccer event an hour from home, made a few scrumptious meals, completed this post, and worked a little on my upcoming speech. I am overjoyed to have … Read More

Angels, Friends, and The Fool

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

  Happy Sunday (now Monday), Journeyer!   It’s been an equally delightful and dreary week. The frigid temps forced me to break out my coat of all winter coats, a knee-length down parka, and my furry hat. You know it’s cold when I break out a hat. Brrrr… I especially miss sunshine this time of year… We arrived home one … Read More

This Week’s Merriment is Magnetic

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“Think without boundaries.” Dove Promises® Happy Sunday-Monday, Journeyer! I’m not really sure where this week went, but it is behind us. Maybe, if you’ve had a rough week, you’re happy to tell it sayonara! Maybe, if the past seven days have brought you luxurious comfort or good news galore, you wish it would linger a little longer… Regardless, though, the … Read More