Taking Shape

Annah ElizabethBeauty, Fave, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Travel1 Comment

Happy Tuesday, Journeyer! I hope you had a nice holiday weekend with family and friends! I started out my week with a lunch date with Beauty. She’s twenty-one and has been doing what healthy teenagers and young adults need to do…finding herself. It’s odd how all too often the finding of oneself includes the pushing away of those that love … Read More

The Life

Annah ElizabethBeauty, Fave, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Travel2 Comments

Journeyer…have you ever felt like you were living “the life?” You know the one…that expression “She’s living the life of her dreams!” or “He’s living the high life!” That’s sort of how last week presents itself when I look back at the photos and notes I jotted down for this Happy Happens column. As usual, I am short on time … Read More

Happy Rising

Annah ElizabethBeauty, Big Guy, Gavin, Happy Happens ™, Relationships4 Comments

Happy Sunday-Monday Journeyer! Happy (belated) Easter! Easter. Another of my cherished holidays. A time for friends and family to slow down, to come together, to share their fellowship, and to celebrate. Some celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and the message that He is our salvation. Some celebrate spring break while others rejoice the earth’s awakening from a long winter’s rest. Sometimes, like … Read More