You’ve likely heard of “triggers,” events or situations that stimulate sadness or some other emotional response. Did you know you can also have “Trigger Months,” Neighbor? Trigger months can evolve when you have emotional or traumatic events that occur around the same month in different years. Many years ago, I realized that every September and October I felt uninspired, my … Read More
On Confidence, and How to Create It in 5 Simple Steps
You know that person who seems to sparkle and shine? They ooze confidence in everything they do, from navigating a room, to the image of them staring back from the screen or photo in front of you. How on Earth do they do that? How on Earth can I do that? you might ask. It is true that some people … Read More
Meaning, Mission, Mindset and Creating Greatness
Why am I here? That is one of the greatest existential questions of all time, Neighbor. No doubt you have heard many of the buzzwords like life purpose, soul mission, and destiny, to name a few. And no doubt you have tried countless courses and methodologies to help you figure out what all this means to you. Like me, maybe … Read More
Did Your Resolution Love You As Much As You Loved It?
Maybe you spent months dreaming up a plan that was sure to take you to new heights or maybe you thought the exciting energy surrounding the trending new diet, exercise or self-help regimen sounded like the next best thing for you, too. Now, for whatever reason, your in-it-to-win-it spirit has turned into God-how-I-hate-this-I-just-might-puke-if…or a You-suck-you-quitter/loser/faker/despicable/[insert your whatever]-You.
Regardless of how you came to setting your resolution, it is obvious that this is more than a little slump; it is just not working for you. In fact, it could be all wrong for you. A few simple questions will help you isolate where the breakdown(s) might be and help you redirect.
What’s in Your Mother’s Day Heart?
Dearest Neighbor, if today–Mother’s Day–you are somehow feeling sad, mad, shame, depressed, deprived, or less than special, you are not alone. I feel you. I see you. I honor and salute you, all of you who carry a mother’s love in your heart, but may not be able to show or share it because something is standing between you and that nurturing. Two decades ago, as we were leaving the funeral for my son, Gavin Michael, my good friend said to me, “You’re a great mom, and he’s so lucky to have you.” It took me a few years to recognize that even though I didn’t have the opportunity to do the traditional “Mom” things, I was his mother in so many ways, ways that were merely (and vastly) different than what we humans expect or envision about Motherhood. In the years since, I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on my friend’s proclamation, and the terms Mom and Motherhood have taken on an entirely new depth for me.
Ask Annah: How Do I Create The Future Me?
Dear Neighbor, Thank you for this question and your courage to heal your heartaches big and small so you can go on to live your dream life, the one YOU SO TOTALLY DESERVE, by unearthing your Future You. Understanding that we cannot return to the past and to some “Old Me” can certainly be frustrating. I well remember the angst … Read More
Ask Annah: Your Doctor Called You Lucky After Your Son Died?
“Your doctor called you lucky after your son died?” You asked? He sure did, Neighbor…and here’s what I later gleened from that experience… …………… “You’re lucky we were able to do a bikini cut,” my obstetrician said to me during my six-week checkup. Lucky? I sat across from this man who had come to know my body—well, certain parts like … Read More
Ask Annah: How Do I Move Forward When the Past Keeps Repeating Itself? Part III: Fear
Dearest Neighbor, Thank you for your courage to heal your heartaches big and small and for sharing, for in reaching out, you are also giving strength and hope to others. “How do I move forward when the same bad stuff keeps happening over and over again?” Millions of us can relate to your question and in countless ways. I joked … Read More