We’re honored to share some of our favorite neighbors and resources to help you find the insight, inspiration, and empowerment you desire and need to live your best life, even in the face of your adversity.

Check back often as we are always adding new resources as we become aware of them!


  • My Peak ChallengeThe Physical, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Facets
    What we love about this group is their community spirit and their motto, “Help yourself while helping others.” They provide a vast array of physical fitness videos and training for all levels and abilities, meal prep ideas and recipes, yoga, mindfullness techniques & MORE!
  • The Center for Non-Violent Communication – The Academic, Emotional, and Social Facets
    They have a vast database of articles, classes, and tools to help you create and foster healthy relationships.


Our FREE Healing thru “The Holidays” EBook