Angels, Friends, and The Fool

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Happy Sunday (now Monday), Journeyer!
It’s been an equally delightful and dreary week.
The frigid temps forced me to break out my coat of all winter coats, a knee-length down parka, and my furry hat.
You know it’s cold when I break out a hat.
I especially miss sunshine this time of year…
We arrived home one evening early in the week to find that our chest freezer had quit working; bad timing given the fact that we replaced our on-its-last-legs refrigerator last week!
Warren and I had a fairly frosty counseling session, “a little regression that’s not uncommon,” the counselor said.
As I type that, the old cliché, “one step forward and two steps back,” comes to mind.
And yet, I’m happy to report that I don’t feel our paces regressed to that degree, maybe a half-step digression.
For all you journeyers who are working hard on your relationships, please know that you are never alone, whether you’re celebrating or concentrating on ways to make it better!
My week was full of normal stuff like work, a visit to the oral surgeon to have Big Guy’s wisdom teeth evaluated, cooking, cleaning, and deconstructing our Christmas tree (kicking and screaming, I might add…)
Walking side-by-side with the mundane were numerous bright flashes.
Speaking of frosty, look at this adorable handprint I spotted on the side of a school bus! Doesn’t it just create all sorts of joyous images?

I finished and submitted the copy for my upcoming speech at this Clarity Connects event in New York’s great Fingerlakes Region.

If you’re anywhere near, you should definitely consider sharing these few hours of inspiration with us!
Saturday night I hosted a customized psychic party, where I spent several glorious hours with ten old and new friends.
The reader told me that Gavin is my Joy Guide; she asked me about my miscarriages and if I wanted to know the sex.
One girl who is Gavin’s sidekick and had her arm locked into his, and another son…
Beauty, who begged me to bring her a sister, would be delighted to know she has a female sibling, a spirit who is always watching over her.
We talked about angels and their roles in our lives, and I learned that the 333 repeating numbers I see all the time means that ascended master angels are connecting with me.

Today’s 555 sighting, which is Warren’s repeating numbers, comes from a new connection & is a reminder to finish this week’s #HappyHappens post!
I’m excited to do some more research in that area and to become more aware of their presence!
The tarot readings produced several entertaining discussions, including my captivating draw: The Fool.

 This drawer’s partner fits this very description
Who can resist The Lovers?
My evening muse…
When the facilitator asked me what the image represented to me, this is what I told her: “The first thing I thought about when I read the card was the naysayer’s voice inside my head. It’s that voice that says Who do you think you are and what do you think makes you qualified to present some groundbreaking body of work to the world? That’s just foolish.”
You know that voice, right?; that negative chatter that tries to tell us we aren’t good enough, smart enough, fast enough, pretty enough?
“But then I looked closer at the image. I noted the guy’s pack and his sidekick dog, and saw how he was just sort of strolling along some path on his journey, smiling at the heavens and saying, I’ve got this. That’s how I feel with the work I’m doing with The Five Facets Philosophy of Healing.”
The leader smiled as she told me that The Fool is often associated with being on a journey.
Journeyers, I can’t tell you how excited I was to hear that! It was all just so…serendipitous!
A longtime friend who didn’t know about my book or this work wrote me this morning to tell me she’s been reading the blog and referred to herself as Journeyer Hiawatha.
Isn’t that beautiful and exciting and kind of inspiring? What if each of us had an inspirational alias?!
The night of the party, this friend drew The Queen of Swords card, which reminded her of her grandmother, “the Matriarch of the family,” who always said, “Your voice is your shield.”

That statement is pure magic, isn’t it?
Yesterday morning Warren, Big Guy, and I actually had a homemade breakfast, which we ate together, around our dining room table…
I think The Fool took control of my body for a few minutes because I challenged Big Guy to a game of toss the grape into a wide-open mouth…

Grapes in my grandma’s cut glass bowl
A little bit of cutting loose and silliness never hurt anyone…right?
Last night Big Guy had twelve of his friends up for an overnight.
I always enjoy seeing bodies spread out all over the room and listening to the camaraderie and laughter.
Earlier this week I’d created a new magnetic art poem, and this morning I woke to find someone had added a new opening line.

Every time I discover that someone paused long enough to string together words, I smile.
Words are my wonder, the cure for my wounds, and the wellspring of my inspiration…
And in the midst of it all is joy, Journeyer…

Martin Luther King Jr’s quote sums it up, Friend: “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”


What about you? What Moment(s) made you smile or brought you a sense of peace this week? Share them here and spread some inspiration!
Until we meet again,
Yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

One last thing, Journeyer. If you found a measure of hope, healing, and happiness here, I’d love it if you’d sign up to join our neighborhood! When you do, I’ll send you a digital poster that includes ten of my top power mantras, quotes from some of our favorite inspirational guides and two that lead The Five Facets work… Additionally, it is my ultimate goal to send out one monthly newsletter, though you’ll have to wait a bit for that! 🙂

Joining our neighborhood broadens our reach, Journeyer! Together we can heal a world of hurt! Joining us couldn’t be any easier! Just click here and a few keystrokes later and your home is right there, right next door to our growing group of gorgeously spirited friends!

4 Comments on “Angels, Friends, and The Fool”

    1. LOL, Liv… Sometimes that’s not always a good thing! That said, I do try to take time to play a little each week! My goal is to one day be able to support myself with my words, but in the meantime, I’m happy simply to be able to be able to practice and play at writing… and connecting with fellow Journeyers like you! 🙂

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