Angels, Friends, and The Fool

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

  Happy Sunday (now Monday), Journeyer!   It’s been an equally delightful and dreary week. The frigid temps forced me to break out my coat of all winter coats, a knee-length down parka, and my furry hat. You know it’s cold when I break out a hat. Brrrr… I especially miss sunshine this time of year… We arrived home one … Read More

Christmastime Magic

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  It’s my favorite time of year, Journeyers. And for the first time ever I got to spend a little bit of it in one of my most favorite places: New York City. I spent one glorious, snowy, and blustery Saturday with four fabulous women and one incredibly delightful fifth grader. There were so many magical moments that fed my … Read More

I Could Use a Friend (or seven) Right About Now

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Journeyers, I need you right now. A couple of weeks ago, something inside of me broke. And instead of trying to fix it, I buried it. I went on weekend trips with Warren and pretended to myself and him and the world around us that we were happy. That I was happy holding his hand and standing by his side. … Read More

Taking Stock of Bullying, It’s Much More Than a Facebook Issue

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

At the beginning of the school year, the students at our local high school spent a week of assemblies, presentations, and discussions, all on bullying. The hallways are plastered with pledge signs and anti-bullying campaign pieces. Earlier this year, my daughter was involved in a situation where classmates were talking poorly about her on Facebook because she had unfriended them. … Read More