Happy Happens™

Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

Happy Happens. Just like the proverbial shit happens, happy happens.™ Happiness, it’s definition, and the possession or the elusion of it in our lives is an age-old saga, Neighbor! I am sure that you can recite any number of quotes and cliches you’ve encountred on the subject. And something tells me you can easily conjure moments when you’ve felt happy … Read More

May We All Be

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Loss, Grief, and Healing, SpiritualityLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! For all you Mothers, whether you hold a child in your heart, your dreams, or your arms, Happy Mother’s Day to you! Last week I wrote about about manifesting intention, how I worked on changing my thinking to change my situation. But this past week has been all about creating a state of being, one based on … Read More

And So It Is

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health1 Comment

Happy Sunday,  Journeyer, Some of our greatest thinkers and spiritualist have these or similar sayings, “Your  thoughts create your reality,” and “Change your thinking; change your world.” Part of mindfulness meditation is allowing feelings and sensations to move through us without effecting us in harmful or negative ways. One of the ways we create our desired realities is by creating … Read More

When Happiness is Hard

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™1 Comment

“Hard times always lead to something great.” ~ Fashion Designer, Betsey Johnson Dear Journeyer, This last week was tough…really tough. After three years of struggle at my other job, I finally faced something that I can’t comprehend. I had two, back-to-back events that ultimately triggered panic attacks. For those of you who have ever endured these physiological symptoms, my heart … Read More

Homemade Happiness

Annah ElizabethFamily, Happy Happens ™, SpiritualityLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer!! There are three times in the last seven years that I have missed a Happy Happens column. Seven years, Journeyer! The motto has always been “Just like the proverbial shit happens, happy happens.™” This column has been an exercise in making me notice, appreciate, and honor those fleeting moments that collectively are my happiness, even in the … Read More

The Circle of Life

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! I know you will understand and appreciate the brevity of this post. I spent this past week preparing projects for this work, to train and certify five of our neighbors in the Integrated Energy Therapy® modality, and working my Outside Job. Today sums up so much of what Life is all about. In a matter of hours, … Read More