Signs of Spring Make Me Smile!

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Be gone boots! Hello sandals!   Can’t you feel the foot freedom?    And the sand on your soles?!       Can you think of a better way to start off Daylight Savings in the Northeast?  What Moments brought a smile to your week? Soon…  

The Joys of Giving

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Breakfast for a group of growing boys   I love preparing special little gifts, special occasions, everyday events, and surprises for the people in my life. I recently put together fun packages for my college kids and their companions. I felt so much joy baking the goodies, wrapping other little wintry whatnots, and writing a personal note to each of … Read More

Constant Comment, Remedy for the Common Cold

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

    I thought I might have dodged the winter bug bullet. But, alas, I came down with a cold earlier this week. Let me just say there is nothing like a piping hot mug of Constant Comment tea to help cure what ails ya. The unique blend of orange and spice seems to replenish what the common cold saps … Read More

Homework Humor

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

 “Ha! That’s part of the paper I used for my project,” Big Guy said as we sat watching television.“That’d be a new one, wouldn’t it?” he continued, “The cat ate my homework.” As if she knew what he was saying, she put on a little show.        The proof is in the paper!   What about you? What … Read More

Road Trip Amusement

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

    On one of my recent trips I crested this hillside and was transported back to one of our family vacations. We were heading home from a trip to North Carolina, years before GPS became a household name. After realizing we’d somehow taken a wrong turn, Warren consulted the giant Rand McNally we kept in our car. There he … Read More

Out of Chaos and Into the Kitchen

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Kitchen. Cooking. Baking. Heaven. This snowman cookie jar, a Christmas gift from the new mother who babysat my children fifteen years ago, has sat empty on my counter. I’ve been yearning to have a day to myself, one I could spend in the kitchen preparing whatever recipes moved me. I spent yesterday morning baking bread and cookies. One of the … Read More

Fun Wintry Frosting

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I love the beauty of a fresh snowfall, especially the kind that stays on the ground for a while, the kind where you can still see white after the soot and salt trucks have turned the roads an icky gray. This week has produced several squalls and significant accumulation. On vacation, I have watched the magnificence unfold from my warm … Read More

Christmas Cheer

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Four-o’clock Friday hit and I felt oh-so delightful!! I have a two week, much needed break from work! And yesterday I checked my lists (checked them twice!) and marked off many of the tasks I’ve been so far behind on. Like Professor Hinkle—you know, the mad magician in Frosty the Snowman—I am Happy. Happy! Happy!! Remember my cluttered desk? Finis! … Read More

Happiness is Granular

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

A local café carries these freshly-baked granola bars. They are TO. DIE. FOR. Fresh grains, sunflower seeds and other assorted nuts, moist cranberries… Some thirty minutes from my house, I’m not able to visit often, but when I do I nearly salivate over this healthy treat. Warren just happened to be doing some work for the owners, earlier this week. … Read More

Finding a Little Luck in Life

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

A few weeks ago I was cleaning my dog’s poop from my backyard and discovered this four-leaf clover. And then another…  Mixed with life’s crap, there’s always some stroke of good fortune, if your eyes are open to its existence within your path…And, oh, what a lucky girl I am that the talented, energetic, and charismatic Chiara from over at The Indie … Read More