Family, Food, Founding Fathers, and a Housekeeper

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Washington’s Quarters, Valley Forge Winter Encampment   If you’ve been around these here parts very long, you know how…well…disheveledmy office is. I am six months behind on my paperwork, and neither my floors nor my furniture have been tended to in weeks. On our last road trip, I was among a few who were drooling over another couple’s glowing testimonial … Read More

Sweet Smell of Success

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I’m not a froufrouor high-maintenance kind of gal. I like my clothes comfortable and care free. I don’t even own an iron, nor do I want one. Eyes. Lips. That’s my makeup regimen. But there’s one item I don’t leave home without. Perfume. I love the feminine feel of the freshly squirted scent.  And I delight in the daily … Read More

I Am The Cure

Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

I am the cure. For what ails me. And I’m so glad that this past week of Mad and Sad is over. Some weeks are that way, where The Shit seems to flourish. That seemingly eternal anguish makes me all the more appreciative for those times like Mother’s Day week, when I noticed plenty of Happy. Honestly, until Friday, I … Read More

Harvesting Happiness

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  I love the scents and colors that signal spring’s arrival. Freshly mowed lawns and foliage bursting forth from slumber… Last fall I planted bulbs, what I like to call sowing smiles. And now, after five harsh winter months, my time Every time I’ve pulled into my drive these past few weeks, I’ve felt excitement. My mood elevating from bad … Read More

Pretty in Pink

Annah Elizabeth5 Comments

  Long before the idea of Happy Happens sprouted in my mind, I received great joy from seeing these spring blooms during my daily commute. Honestly, I’d round the bend in the highway, and my heart would soar. Every. Single. Time. One day I decided I wanted to bring this kind of pleasure to my own yard. I phoned the … Read More

Shoring Up Life’s Threads

Annah Elizabeth5 Comments

    “I’m glad to hear you are alright. Karen’s husband died last night so at least there is some good news. It’s been bad all morning.” That was the note returned to me after I texted a coworker to let her know how my surgery went last Friday. The message stayed with me, even through the grogginess of anesthesia … Read More

The Kindness of Friends

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Last Friday I had surgery to remove my appendix, right ovary and tube. Thursday evening, one of my pals showed up at my doorstep with Friday’s dinner. I returned home after the day procedure to find this gift from another friend.     And yesterday another girlfriend appeared at my doorstep with the evening meal for me and my boys.     … Read More

Spring is Hatching!

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

A few weeks ago I wrote about the first signs of spring I’d seen. This past week I talked about Punxsutawney Phil, the poor little groundhog that’s been flogged mercilessly in light of Winter’s lingering grip on the Northeast. Warmer weather is coming! It’s quite literally hatching. I found it Friday night at the Tractor Supply Store. Two-week old chicks … Read More

I Love My Bed

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

There are days and weeks when we feel as if every minute is a mountainous climb. Hours where we long for some reprieve from the (seemingly) endless distress. This past week has been one of those eternities for me. I took a new assignment at work and am dumbfounded by the lack of respect for adult authority. Whereas my previous … Read More