Making Merry, Nice, and the Most of Life through Changing Our Thoughts

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Marriage, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

“The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they make the best of everything.” ~ Author Unknown Happy Sunday, Journeyer, You know those expressions about being split wide open or having our hearts swell to the breaking point? Those are the things that happen right before our greatest personal growth moments. They are the loss events that eventually lead … Read More

The Sound of Love

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health, Spirituality2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! I hope this week’s Happy Happy column finds you well, but if you’re in a place where you can use a little pick-me-up, may something in these words accomplish that for you. My week has been full, to say the least. Full of work and growth and continuing to expand the website so we can help more … Read More

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health, SpiritualityLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer, Warren, Big Guy, and I spent most of last Sunday in a parking lot at an inlet’s edge, trying to fix a broken boot on our boat. We’d made plans for a Memorial Day outing with Beauty and her beau, and the boat had been the day’s major attraction. Upon discovering that the repair had ruptured during the … Read More

Living Life

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health4 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! As I looked scrolled through my iPhone camera roll and the pages of my day planner, there wasn’t a whole lot of “happy” images and messages that jumped out at me. I’m still battling this cough and cold. But I feel eight percent better than I did last week. Recovery makes me happy. I am tired all … Read More

Full Spring Ahead

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health, Parenting2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer, I’ve been in a funk all day long, gorging myself on brownie bites topped with over-sized dollops of Jiffy peanut butter. Does it get any better than comfort food? Daylight savings time always messes with me because that whole getting up an hour earlier is bad for my psyche. As is all the crap that continues at … Read More


Annah ElizabethHappiness, Happy Happens ™, Parenting2 Comments

This Monday morning I come to you weary from a lack of sleep due to a cold that just won’t let go. Even so, I come to you with a happy heart. Warren was gone again this weekend, which left my trusty Pooch, Patches, and I to our own devices once again. Know what we did, Journeyer? I sorted all … Read More

Total Eclipse of the Heart

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Loss, Grief, and Healing, The Five Facets Philosophy on Healing ™1 Comment

Happy Monday, Journeyer! I seem to keep missing my Sunday deadline for this Happy Happens column, but just like it’s never too late to tell someone how much you appreciate her/him, it’s also never to late to acknowledge those glorious moments–no matter how brief–that make us feel good. And honestly, after last week’s hellishness, and I do mean HELLISHNESS, I … Read More