Winter’s Playground

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

In the midst of an emotionally gut-wrenching, grueling week, these are but a few of the Moments that made me smile. His hat is a giant 50-gallon trashcan! I could just imagine the family’s fun building this guy!     I love how the snow seems to cuddle the tree and the lights cast a warm glow across the pair. … Read More

Fun Wintry Frosting

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I love the beauty of a fresh snowfall, especially the kind that stays on the ground for a while, the kind where you can still see white after the soot and salt trucks have turned the roads an icky gray. This week has produced several squalls and significant accumulation. On vacation, I have watched the magnificence unfold from my warm … Read More

Tis the Season

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I am surrounded by peaceful images of this beautiful season…    Porcelain set on the buffet       He’s checking his list…      The vase on my countertop     The heirloom star on miniature dining room tree   Doorway between living room and kitchen/dining room   Santa tapestry in sitting room     One of my favorite … Read More

Happiness is Granular

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

A local café carries these freshly-baked granola bars. They are TO. DIE. FOR. Fresh grains, sunflower seeds and other assorted nuts, moist cranberries… Some thirty minutes from my house, I’m not able to visit often, but when I do I nearly salivate over this healthy treat. Warren just happened to be doing some work for the owners, earlier this week. … Read More

My Morning Cup o’ Joe

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

When I was in high school I worked for a large grocery, one that was actually a Supermarket before Supermarkets became vogue. This chain had one of the first gourmet coffee centers and I was assigned to that department. “What would you recommend,” or “What does this taste like?” were common questions. To which I inevitably answered, “I don’t know. … Read More

Webs of Joy

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“Why don’t we ever decorate for Halloween?” That question by my youngest, nearly five years ago, was the beginning of an annual October party. It spawned a collection of ghoulish decorations and home accent pieces that include a life-sized Sleeping Beauty witch, her outstretched hand offering visitors a shiny red apple… Yesterday, as I drove home from work, the Halloween … Read More

Living Color

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Pink is my favorite color. When I wear pink, I feel feminine. I feel warm and fuzzy inside. Needless to say, last Monday provided a good day to break out the pink hat, gloves, and scarf. I donned them over my pink blouse with white lace. The blushes looked fabulous against a pair of dark denim jeans. What can I … Read More

The Giving Tree

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Finally! I have been yearning to write this post…and my time has arrived… Today’s temperatures are a bit more moderate here in the Northeast. Snow mounds abound on every corner and rise high in parking lots. We’ve had two school closures due to snow and one due to a raw chill that dipped to twenty below. Brrrr… The entire country … Read More

Family Momentum II

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Shortly after my daughter’s sixteenth birthday party, my oldest son and I loaded the last few items into his car and headed out on the long journey to college. I must say, a little worry tugged at me. You see, he inherited my stubborn and self-willed genetic traits. What if we don’t get along? How are we going to survive … Read More


Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

Two weeks ago I took the time to make homemade nectar, and to clean and refill my hummingbird feeder. This time, I placed the hanger outside the window facing my desk. For years, I delighted in maintaining the feeders and observing these delicate creatures. The seasonal buzz of their flight would draw my attention from the book I was reading, … Read More