“The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they make the best of everything.” ~ Author Unknown
Happy Sunday, Journeyer,
You know those expressions about being split wide open or having our hearts swell to the breaking point?
Those are the things that happen right before our greatest personal growth moments.
They are the loss events that eventually lead us to hope and healing and happiness.
The first of The 5 Steps of Healing is to Choose Grief, Journeyer and the fourth is to Choose Healing.
Life’s shit-storms and loss events are often outside of our control, as are the grief moments that seem to ransack us at some of the most seemingly “inopportune” times.
When we’re ready to find resolution in our situation, Healing, Journeyer, is a choice. We choose to give it attention. We choose to seek answers.
This week I have experienced several thoughts that, as the Grinch might say, have caused my heart to grow ten times bigger.
I spent years trying to get Warren to help me with the accounting stuff, and have spent the past year pleading every which way to Sunday for him to do it regularly.
Two weeks ago Thursday, when I sat down for my weekly paperwork processing and paying bills tasks for our multiple businesses, I discovered the large stack of statements ready for their line-item entries into our accounting system.
My neck began to ache, beads of sweat formed on my skin, my forehead pulsed as my thoughts replayed all those conversations about how I wanted/needed/would appreciate it if Warren would honor our agreement to do his part of the process on a regular basis, one that I could count on.
As my chest tightened, I heard this little voice ask, “Why does this bother you so much?”
Because I didn’t plan this into my day…because I don’t have time to take care of this right now…
Again, that little voice chimed in, “Who says you have to take care of it all now?
I immediately felt the tension leave my body, Journeyer. I made a space for all that paperwork and a mental note to allow a little extra time next week. Possibly I could even do some of it while we were watching The Voice.
And I made a conscious decision to not project my fears onto the future. I put aside those What if I don’t have what I need in January to do the FAFSA stuff with this: If shit unravels in January, then I’ll deal with the unraveling shit in January.
Poof. My angst and anger, my confusion and the feelings of not being valued or that my needs weren’t being respected were gone.
There is a saying in the mental health world that “we can only change ourselves.”
“Change your thoughts and you change your world,” wrote author and positivity pioneer, Norman Vincent Peale.
Honestly, Journeyer, that peace-filled epiphany spilled over into the following week, and set the tone for what became the moments I am paying homage to here.
It changed the way I viewed my life in that moment and it changed the way I looked at my relationship with Warren.
I have tried to keep that life-changing thought in the forefront of my mind.
That sense of peace helped to remove the limiting behaviors and blocks that have prevented me from recognizing and honoring my happy these past few weeks.
And it opened me up to see and feel the inspiration that always surrounds me…and you, Journeyer. We are all always surrounded by life’s little and big happy moments…
Some of the other moments that filled my happy this past week include feasting on all those holiday cookies I made with my friend last week…
Picking a few packages to wrap and adorn with bows and festive embellishments each day…
The enormous and glorious, last 2016 Supermoon…
Warren’s return to snuggling against me during the alarm’s nine-minute snooze each morning…
Planning a baking session with Beauty and a girls’ gathering to hang out for a few and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie…
Hallmark holiday movies…Hallmark holiday movies…Hallmark holiday movies…
Cuddling with Pooch Patches, our sixty-five pound lap dog…
Fresh white snow…
Visiting with an elderly, widowed neighbor…
Making plans for some west-coast friends to visit between Christmas and the New Year…
Taking the time to hook up the holiday lights that adorn our front porch…
Twinkling lights being the last thing I see before I go to bed and the first thing I see when I come downstairs in the morning…
The peace in my heart that always comes with the Christmas season…
The excitement I feel as I finish this post and head off to prepare a few goodies for the girls that will be gathering here in a few short hours!
And you, Journeyer. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your e-mails and messages and the conversations that ensue.
Thank you for sharing your journeys with me, for trusting me with your heartaches and your healing successes.
I am honored to be able to do this work I do and I truly look forward to each and every connection.
Thank you for feeding my happy, Neighbor.
Share in the weekly tradition? Tell us about the moment(s) that brought a smile to your face, warmth to your body, or peace to your heart.
Until next time, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,