Happy Happens™

Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

Happy Happens. Just like the proverbial shit happens, happy happens.™ Happiness, it’s definition, and the possession or the elusion of it in our lives is an age-old saga, Neighbor! I am sure that you can recite any number of quotes and cliches you’ve encountred on the subject. And something tells me you can easily conjure moments when you’ve felt happy … Read More

Ask Annah: Your Doctor Called You Lucky After Your Son Died?

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health2 Comments

“Your doctor called you lucky after your son died?” You asked? He sure did, Neighbor…and here’s what I later gleened from that experience… …………… “You’re lucky we were able to do a bikini cut,” my obstetrician said to me during my six-week checkup. Lucky? I sat across from this man who had come to know my body—well, certain parts like … Read More

Ask Annah: Can I Say Screw You to the New-Year-New-You Resolutions Hype?

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Dearest Journeyer, Your inbox is filled with NEW-YEAR-NEW YOU invites to every type of inspirational class and program known to man. Your friends are breaking out words for the year of 2018: TRUST! FLOURISH! REFLECT! DRIVE! DANCE! People are posting vision boards and nearly shouting how they are signing up for weight loss programs, writing classes, and locking in one-year … Read More

Special Announcement and one Question: Do You Ever Feel Alone?

Annah ElizabethLoss, Grief, and Healing, The Five Facets Philosophy on Healing ™Leave a Comment

Dear Journeyer, Do you ever feel conflicted when someone says to you, “You are not alone?” Does that expression sometimes feel contradictory? Do you ever wonder why you feel alone when there are so many people around? 5 Reasons You Feel Alone and How to Change That is for you! These are questions and experiences I felt after my son … Read More

What’s an Annah-ism

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

What’s an Annah-ism, you ask?   I am notorious for mixing metaphors, continents, and timeframes.   You know how it is when traveling to a foreign land, no matter how hard you try to understand the cultural idiosyncrasies and allegories, they just don’t make sense?   Well, I’m like a tourist in my own native land.   Over the years, … Read More

Taking This Show on the Road

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Hey, ya’ll, it’s actually happening.   It’s ACTUALLY happening! Today, is THE day for the first interview on The Five Facets, The Five Secrets of Healing. I am so blessed that Pia Louise from Tiny Whale Media not only found me, she invited me to be a guest on her BlogTalkRadio program, Profiles and Lifestyles. Please stop on over … Read More

Recycling Hope and Miracle

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Last month I reunited with Miracle. I’ve spent many years pushing against her, resisting the mere mention of her name. Turns out I had been seeing her all wrong. You see, Miracle isn’t about some prize granted to a select few, Miracle is what happens when we bear witness to life’s marvelous events and amazing qualities. Miracle is what happens … Read More

Cold, Moving Waters

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

I paused to capture this image on a recent walk with my dog. Cold. Majestic. Picturesque. Soothing. Today, the image inspires this, an original poem. Cold, Moving Waters No matter how frigid Life may seem- ice coursing through frosted veins- Movement melts… warms the surface of its soul… What about you? What moment moved you this week? Stirred a simple … Read More

Kodak Moments, a Digging for the Light Excerpt

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Glennon over at Momastery recently wrote this brutiful piece about feeling overwhelmed and down because she didn’t perceive her family to be happy and normal like all those snapshots we see in Christmas cards and on our social media pages. In the post she wrote that she feared people might consider her a fraud and she used the phrase, … Read More