The Life

Annah ElizabethBeauty, Fave, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Travel2 Comments

Journeyer…have you ever felt like you were living “the life?” You know the one…that expression “She’s living the life of her dreams!” or “He’s living the high life!” That’s sort of how last week presents itself when I look back at the photos and notes I jotted down for this Happy Happens column. As usual, I am short on time … Read More


Annah ElizabethFamily, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, Marriage, Travel1 Comment

Well, Journeyer, last week’s Happy Happens edition is a bit late, but I promise I have a VERY GOOD EXCUSE. MANY GOOD EXCUSES! EXCUSES THAT ARE SO MUCH BETTER, SO MUCH MORE ORIGINAL AND CAPTIVATING THAN: My computer crashed (which it has numerous times in the last week and a half) or the one we adults say all too often: … Read More

Balancing Act

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Healing and the Two Sides of2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! This week has been all about creating balance between love and fear, patience and anxiousness, knowledge and wisdom, sadness and joy… Brief, daily meditations have allowed me to ask the universe to help me focus on how each of these things play important roles in my life and asking for guidance in making the pairs more harmonious. … Read More

Family and Fireworks

Annah ElizabethHappiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Parenting2 Comments

Happy Monday, Journeyer! This past week has been filled with family and fireworks, and even a sideshow of the two combined, if you get my drift. My family and I were able to spend some quiet time where we slowly moved from whatever moved us in any given moment; a nice respite from the crazy and hectic comings and goings that … Read More


Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health2 Comments

Happy Monday, Journeyer!! My last child has gone and graduated!! And in glorious, Valedictorian style! It’s been a grueling week of planning… of trying to corral some of the clutter that accrued during the recent house renovations… of keeping schedules and appointments and arrivals and departures… an event I orchestrated to share some girl time with my family ended up … Read More


Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! I refer to May and June as the hamster-wheel months as so many events are crammed into that sixty-day period, especially when you have active, school-aged children. Toss in a graduation and life becomes busier. Toss in a Valedictorian and, well…busier yet… Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy that all of Big Guy’s dedication to his … Read More

Angel Love

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health, Relationships, Spirituality2 Comments

Dear Journeyer, It’s Sunday. Some of us sleep in on Sunday, some go to Church, and some of us clean house (literally and figuratively), and for those of us with children in sports, this day often lends itself to sitting on our tuckus on the sidelines, somewhere… Sunday represents all of those things for me, yet it varies from week … Read More