Giving Thanks & Finding Gratitude with Buddha

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Well, Journeyer, another week, another dollar, as the saying goes… Even though I shop all year long, I do sometimes find myself beginning to feel the pressure of all that has to be done during the holidays. When I hear that chatter in my head, I know… I know it is time to slow down, pause, and reflect on the … Read More

PB & U

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Journeyer, so much to report from this past week! The work issue still stinks and two different law firms have said that, though what my supervisor did wasn’t legal, there’s not really anything they can do to help… So, guess what I decided to do? I’m going back to my union for their recommendation, which will likely entail a meeting … Read More

Tricks & Treats

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

  Well, Journeyer, This past week has been a big fat blur! I’ve spent more time than I’d care trying to figure out the best way to handle a tough work situation… I’ve been buried alive in business bookwork… …designing project graduation fundraising flyers and typing minutes… …assembling this donation—a child’s birthday party in a basket…   …and finishing the … Read More

It’s a Happy, Golden Day

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

One of my favorite toddler videos was one where they sang this sing-along: It’s a happy, golden day; come along let’s sing and play; Singing makes us feel just great, Sing a song that’s happy and bright… too-do-doo-do… It was a rare occasion that my children were cranky, ornery, or downright obstinate (though Big Guy has always flirted with those … Read More

Gauging Our Happy Meter Wattage

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

It’s been a bit of a rough week at work, Journeyer… I won’t bemoan the details, but let’s just say I interviewed with another district, only to be told by one of my supervisors that same afternoon that the two school systems have an “unwritten agreement” that they won’t hire one another’s employees… I’m not sure this is even legal … Read More

Home on a Hill

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Journeyer, man was it ever a week! This hamster wheel month has reached its peak and I barely had time to breathe last week. Hardly a day passed by that I pulled out of my drive with the sun beginning to rise and returned about the time it set. That said, I managed to hone in on moments that gave … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

“Dare to dream,  hope, believe, seek, feel, find, and love.”                                                                ~Chinese fortune This morning I had one of those mother-child moments that was both extraordinary and ordinary. “I think … Read More

Drawing a Line in the Lemonade

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

  It’s Sunday, Journeyer, and this is what I have to say: The wheels on the mini-van go ‘round and ‘round… This time we’re in Virginia for another training seminar that Fave and Warren are doing. I’m the unofficially official videographer for this event and let me just say my son has figured out how to treat his mama right. … Read More

Just Like the Proverbial Shit Happens, Happy Happens

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Good morning, Journeyer, This week has been agonizingly long and brutal… I did not write. I accomplished few, if any, of my daily designated tasks or goals. I fought regularly with Warren. I spent the better share of three days trying (unsuccessfully) to unravel an internet connection problem. I experienced several nights of interrupted sleep, which is a rare occasion … Read More

Tough as Woodpecker Lips

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Laugh with me, Journeyer! It is 8:29 on this Sunday morning and, for those of you who follow these weekly posts, you know what’s coming… We are on the road, AGAIN… Another nine to ten hours of driving today, this time to take Beauty back to college. As I looked through this week’s photos, the experiences seemed so far away. … Read More