Tricks & Treats

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Well, Journeyer,
This past week has been a big fat blur!
I’ve spent more time than I’d care trying to figure out the best way to handle a tough work situation…
I’ve been buried alive in business bookwork…
…designing project graduation fundraising flyers and typing minutes…
…assembling this donation—a child’s birthday party in a basket…
…and finishing the sorting of the entries for the #BestTeachersGifts pay-it-forward giveaway!
Accomplishing everything we have to do sometimes feels like we must have a few tricks up our sleeves to accomplish it all, doesn’t it?
In the midst of all that monotony were these deliciously happy moments…
Decorating for the annual Halloween party we host for Big Guy and his friends.
Though I stress little about the empty nest, I did feel a bit of melancholy set in as I watched them form the dinner line!
“This makes be sad,” I said to the boys, “our last Halloween party. Then, again, we can fix that, can’t we? You guys will just have to come home from college every Halloween so I can throw you a party.”
I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed the many, many years watching these lads grow into fabulous young men.
I borrowed an awesome pirate costume from a coworker, one that came complete with a parrot and a treasure chest to fill with goodies!
Can you believe I didn’t take a photo of any of those things?!
Warren must have taken this rear-view when we were preparing to take the group photo. It’s not my best side, but hey, it is the season for the scary, right? 😉
Good relationships always feed our happy, don’t they?
Despite our crazy buys schedules, Warren and I continue to make the best of our time together.
Since I convinced him a few years ago to watch The Voice with me, he has grown rather fond of the show himself, and our recently purchased DVR system makes it all the more enjoyable for him as he doesn’t have to sit through commercials. Lol
We took advantage of one of these cooler nights and spent a good long soak in the hot tub and then we hung out with friends at two different community events.
At a local ELKS fundraiser, Warren and I both put tickets in this fishing basket for Beauty as she loves to fish and has won many fishing derbies and a number of tackle raffle baskets herself.
It’s the only item we won!
Following that event, we caught up with a few more friends and hung out for a few more hours of fun and friendship!
I ended the week by volunteering at our school’s annual craft fair, where I was able to catch up with many people I often see only once or twice a year, like one of the nurses who cared for me after the delivery of all four of my children.
She still recalls the room I was when I was so sick during my pregnancy with Fave…
Though my first experience with her and the other nurse who was with her is that of Gavin’s death and the many days I spent recovering in the hospital, there are so many fond memories…
Like the excitement of the delivery floor staff when Fave was delivered without problems…
And the treat gift and balloons they put together for us to celebrate our son’s birth…
That is the beauty of joy, Journeyer, it nudges its way into every nook and cranny and encounter of our lives…and there it sits and waits for us to notice it, to give it credence…
It’s a bit like this cartoon my sis sent me on Friday.
Happiness often comes in the form of a surprise, random and unexpected and a purely serendipitous treat…
What about you, Journeyer, what Moment(s) fed your happy this week and provided you a treat or two alongside any tricks you might have experienced? We’d love to have you share them with us!
Until next time, yours in hope, healing, and happiness…

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