Things I’m Grateful For Tonight

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

So I haven’t taken the time to write a post… Or, as my thirteen-year-old son said about a week ago, “I haven’t found the time.” HA! On the heels of the time post, no less! “There is no such thing as ‘finding time.’ Time is. You must take time to do things you need to do.” This I tried to … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

My husband and my youngest son are no longer plagued with an awful cold. Generous boys that they are, they gave it to me. Until last night, I hadn’t slept one night through since Sunday; my runny nose kept waking me. I don’t remember waking once last night, though I know my nose was running because I woke with snot … Read More

At the Helm of a Shooting Star

Annah ElizabethUncategorized3 Comments

My oldest son turned twenty yesterday. My, oh, my; that doesn’t seem possible. Twenty years ago we experienced his joyous birth; twenty years since the painful separation brought about in his death. Twenty years… And now I celebrate his life once again. We went to the cemetery on Mother’s Day, dug out the few weeds that had surfaced since Easter, removed the Easter … Read More