Giving Thanks & Finding Gratitude with Buddha

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Well, Journeyer, another week, another dollar, as the saying goes…
Even though I shop all year long, I do sometimes find myself beginning to feel the pressure of all that has to be done during the holidays.
When I hear that chatter in my head, I know…
I know it is time to slow down, pause, and reflect on the simple fact that The Season, the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are not about commercialism…
…they are about love and sharing and kindness and gratitude…
Gratitude for our many, many blessings, even our ever-present, albeit random strokes of luck, that exist in every single experience in every single day of our existence…
Sometimes simple, sometimes obscure, sometimes omnipresent, and sometimes colossally present, they are moments that are ours to seize…
…and even when we aren’t able to recognize them and grab them by that proverbial horn, they are there, silently working their magic in the backdrop of our lives…
Here are a few of those moments that brought joy and peace to the chaotic life that was my past week:
I remembered that I’m not Wonder Woman.
With all of the new and great events I’ll be participating in soon, I knew that I had to give something up because I could not possibly give everything I’d committed to doing the attention it would take to do each job well.
Here’s what I did, despite that chatter in my brain that said, People are going to call you a quitterShe did quit the last Project Graduation committee, you know…”
I announced my good and bad news: That I suddenly found myself with many new and exciting undertakings with my work, and that I was going to have to relinquish my role as secretary because I couldn’t not do justice to all of these things. I would retain the role of corresponding secretary (I LOVE handwriting notes) because the timing of those correspondences was more flexible.
That’s how we spell RELIEF, Journeyer, doing whatever we need to make our lives less hectic or stressful.
More importantly, it’s the fact that we give ourselves permission to acknowledge that we are not, nor do we have to act Super Human.
Beauty wore this t-shirt to her surgery appointment and allowed me to capture this sentiment by promising not to include her face.

Finding those moments, more so tuning into them when they happen and giving the Happy the same attention we give the proverbial Shit is the very essence of this Happy Happens column.

Thank you Buddha, for sharing this message with your masses…
Wish we had millions more like you…or, rather, millions more who could captivate such followings…
Speaking of positive…
This sign in a Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru reminded me of the reasons I close each and every post with Soon.
Though I miss not being able to spend many holidays with my parents and kin, I am grateful that we have Warren’s family nearby…
I thoroughly enjoy the two partial days I spend in the kitchen, prepping, cooking, and pulling out my favorite holiday pieces.
This year, as the smell of apple and pumpkin pie wafted through the house, I watched this magnificent site unfold outside.
Two days after Thanksgiving I was able to spread out in the kitchen and make my first batches of breads and goodies, which I turned into care packages for family, friends, and neighbors.
My niece prepared this adorable hors d’oeuvre platter for our holiday meal.
Beauty set this gorgeous table for me.
…The place where my mom’s corn souffle continues to be a big hit at our holiday meals…and I smile every single time I read her instructions, notice her handwriting, and recall how much these simple little pieces of our heritage lasts a lifetime…
Speaking of my daughter, the orthoscopic surgery on Beauty’s knee was much less invasive than the ACL repair last year, so we were able to keep our family tradition of cutting down our own Christmas tree.
…followed by what I call the magic of decorating…
And last but certainly not least was finishing up boxing all of the Best Teacher’s Gifts giveaway packages…

…being so enthusiastically received by the many building principals I contacted to share the good news and to enlist their help in surprise and special presentations to the teachers.
I can hardly stand waiting to share the photos and feedback with you!!
Chicken of the Sea’s pay-it-forward spirit just kept growing and growing and I am humbled beyond measure to have a tiny role in the lasting beauty that is a good deed…
What about you, Journeyer? Can you connect any of your past week’s moments to Buddha’s message?
Until next time, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

Oh, yes, and one final note…I finally mastered Level 417! Phew!

2 Comments on “Giving Thanks & Finding Gratitude with Buddha”

  1. Sounds like one lovely holiday down and one to go! Glad you’re able to keep up the tree hunt. I must admit, my knees don’t look forward to it every year. Thanks for brightening my day Annah!

    1. LIV! How did I miss this message?! I have to admit that I leave the tree cutting to the rest of my family, so if that’s the torture on your knees, leave the cutting to others… if the walking is the issue, you might find one of the beautiful pre-cut trees on a Christmas tree farm to be just what the doctor ordered…a little bit of nature that packs a whole lot of punch!

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