Bucket Fillers

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

  Happy Sunday, Journeyer! I’m preparing this post from the passenger seat of our very loyal minivan! Yes, we’re on the road, again. Like my mother’s father, I give all of my vehicles a name, usually some form of Bessie, which is what I remember my grandfather calling his prized pickup. Our Bessie, a 2004 Chrysler Town & Country, started … Read More

Loosening My Load and Christmas

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

  Journeyers, it’s been a busy week filled with holiday preparations and putting the last touches on our #BestTeachersGifts Giveaway! I made a surprise presentation to the fourth grade classes at a Groton Elementary School, to an educator who definitely understands the pay-it-forward phenomenon… He’s going to share the items with the other two fourth grade classes! One of our … Read More

Giving Thanks & Finding Gratitude with Buddha

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Well, Journeyer, another week, another dollar, as the saying goes… Even though I shop all year long, I do sometimes find myself beginning to feel the pressure of all that has to be done during the holidays. When I hear that chatter in my head, I know… I know it is time to slow down, pause, and reflect on the … Read More

It’s All About That Base

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Every winter for the past several years, Warren and I spend Monday and Tuesday evenings watching The Voice. There are many talented singers in this year’s competition, but of all the many songs that have moved me and brought me goose bumps, the one I can’t get out of my head is Anita Antoinette’s rendition of It’s all about that … Read More

PB & U

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Journeyer, so much to report from this past week! The work issue still stinks and two different law firms have said that, though what my supervisor did wasn’t legal, there’s not really anything they can do to help… So, guess what I decided to do? I’m going back to my union for their recommendation, which will likely entail a meeting … Read More

Katie, a Kid’s Teacher Needs You!

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Dear Katie, Maya Angelou once said, “When you learn, teach. At our best, we’re all teachers.” I say, “We can learn something new every day, if our minds are open to it.” That means that day in and day out we are all students and we are all teachers… I woke at 6:30 this morning, made breakfast for my daughter … Read More

Happiness Taking Shape

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Well, Journeyer, what can I say, the moon is full tonight, I’m back to school, we spent the weekend traveling, and this post is late. All I can do is chuckle. As I type, we are on our way to one of Big Guy’s soccer games an hour from home. So, I’m going to keep this as short and sweet … Read More

The Eleventh Commandment and Other Tips from The (Great) Writer’s Codebook

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

“Don’t squish the bread.” All you moms out there know exactly what I’m talking about. We’ve conveyed those four words in all types of tones, though usually the command is projected with emphatic, if not menacing undertones. You’ll go without lunch for a week or Can’t cut the crusts off of crushed bread, Kiddo. I’m afraid I can’t relate to … Read More