All Shook Up

Annah ElizabethUncategorized10 Comments

Proverbial Shit has been knocking on my door this week, Journeyer. Nagging nuisances that just sort of make us feel icky and ornery and rundown. Three words to kick it off: Snow. SNOW! (EVER-LOVIN’-F-IN’) SNOW!! This is on the hood of Warren’s truck! And leaving for work in more subzero temperatures that dipped to MINUS TWENTY! What’s all this nonsense … Read More

Spring is Hatching!

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

A few weeks ago I wrote about the first signs of spring I’d seen. This past week I talked about Punxsutawney Phil, the poor little groundhog that’s been flogged mercilessly in light of Winter’s lingering grip on the Northeast. Warmer weather is coming! It’s quite literally hatching. I found it Friday night at the Tractor Supply Store. Two-week old chicks … Read More

Phil (Punxsutawney) Might Not be a Fraud After All

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Oh, the weather outside is frightful… And so, so dreadful… Someone who rarely ever naps, I’ve taken a mid-day snooze nearly every day since daylight savings took effect. Between the new work assignment, which has me up a God-awful fifteen minutes earlier than ever, the pitch black hour I leave in the morning, and the wintry March weather that has … Read More

Winter’s Playground

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

In the midst of an emotionally gut-wrenching, grueling week, these are but a few of the Moments that made me smile. His hat is a giant 50-gallon trashcan! I could just imagine the family’s fun building this guy!     I love how the snow seems to cuddle the tree and the lights cast a warm glow across the pair. … Read More

Cold, Moving Waters

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

I paused to capture this image on a recent walk with my dog. Cold. Majestic. Picturesque. Soothing. Today, the image inspires this, an original poem. Cold, Moving Waters No matter how frigid Life may seem- ice coursing through frosted veins- Movement melts… warms the surface of its soul… What about you? What moment moved you this week? Stirred a simple … Read More

Fun Wintry Frosting

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I love the beauty of a fresh snowfall, especially the kind that stays on the ground for a while, the kind where you can still see white after the soot and salt trucks have turned the roads an icky gray. This week has produced several squalls and significant accumulation. On vacation, I have watched the magnificence unfold from my warm … Read More