Ask Annah (and Tiny Buddha): Why Do I Feel so Alone?

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health, Relationships2 Comments

Dear Journeyer, Nearly every day I read this question or hear someone pleading for an answer to the overwhelming fear or loss they feel inside. A sense of loneliness or of feeling alone can impact any combination of your academic, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual facets and it is one of the factors that could be standing between you and … Read More

Ask Annah: Why Do I Feel Worse 2-3 Years after My Significant Life Loss Event

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health2 Comments

Dear Journeyer, I am often asked some variation of this question: “It’s been three years since my child/parent/sibling/spouse/best friend died and I feel worse now than I did when it happened. What is wrong with me?” Though this query often references the death of a person, I have also heard it with regard to other forms of loss, including but … Read More

And So It Is

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health1 Comment

Happy Sunday,  Journeyer, Some of our greatest thinkers and spiritualist have these or similar sayings, “Your  thoughts create your reality,” and “Change your thinking; change your world.” Part of mindfulness meditation is allowing feelings and sensations to move through us without effecting us in harmful or negative ways. One of the ways we create our desired realities is by creating … Read More

When Happiness is Hard

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™1 Comment

“Hard times always lead to something great.” ~ Fashion Designer, Betsey Johnson Dear Journeyer, This last week was tough…really tough. After three years of struggle at my other job, I finally faced something that I can’t comprehend. I had two, back-to-back events that ultimately triggered panic attacks. For those of you who have ever endured these physiological symptoms, my heart … Read More

Making Merry, Nice, and the Most of Life through Changing Our Thoughts

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Marriage, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

“The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they make the best of everything.” ~ Author Unknown Happy Sunday, Journeyer, You know those expressions about being split wide open or having our hearts swell to the breaking point? Those are the things that happen right before our greatest personal growth moments. They are the loss events that eventually lead … Read More