Healing and the Two Sides of Truth

Annah ElizabethHealing and the Two Sides of2 Comments

Truth. What is it? What does it mean? What does it accomplish? One of the mantras I’ve lived my life by is “There are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.” To that end, truth is a little like reading between the lines…or compromise…or both…a way of finding balance in a situation, which in … Read More

Who Knew? The Opposite of Love is Not Hate

Annah ElizabethLoss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health, Spirituality2 Comments

“The opposite of love isn’t hate,” Counselor Sandy said several months back, “it’s indifference.” Those words have come to mind a few times since the wisdom was imparted. The opposite of love isn’t hate. Indifference isn’t a word I commonly use and since my understanding of the word was simply “to not care,” I couldn’t quite put Sandy’s words into perspective. And, … Read More

The Marital Sofa

Annah ElizabethLoss, Grief, and Healing, Marriage, Relationships, Warren2 Comments

If you’ve ever been in a therapist’s office, you know the general layout of the room, which often includes a sofa of some kind and a plush chair or two. Since the counselor typically sits in a chair, couples have one or two choices: separate into two different seats or join one another on the couch. Regardless of our emotional … Read More

Over the River and Through the Woods of Mental Health

Annah Elizabeth8 Comments

Happy Thursday, Journeyer! I have a post that needs to incubate a little longer, and I’m a little curious about a few things… Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Every year since my children were born, I have purchased Christmas ornaments for each one of them and one for Warren and me. The decorations are themed around some event … Read More

Nanu Nanu: Hello Depression, Goodbye Robin Williams

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Robin William’s suicide has put mental health awareness in the spotlight again. And it has sparked a firestorm of thoughts and opinions from those who feel our mental health system is “the worst,” to those who believe the illness doesn’t exist, to those who think a person should just suck it up and accept whatever reality they are in. As … Read More

On Validation and Self Worth, a Digging for the Light Excerpt

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Earlier this week I shared with you something that I had previously revealed only to two other people: my therapist and my husband. It’s a scary, scary thing to not only admit to our shortcomings, but to put them out there for the entire world to see. Scary. SCARY. SCARY! What I can tell you, though, is that I … Read More