The Secret Ingredient

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

  This Memorial Day weekend finds my family on the road, again. Big Guy’s soccer team is participating in a two-to-three-day tournament in Erie. By a brilliant stroke of luck, one member’s family owns a home near the competition complex and invited everyone for a team get-together. As you know, I’m sort of known for my homemade cookies, at least … Read More

Mountains of Love

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“Love, even when you don’t feel like it.”                                                           ~Annah Elizabeth That was the first thought that came to mind as I stared at the stone upon which we’d been asked to write words of wisdom for the bride and groom. I was honored to be included in this quaint ceremony of close friends and family. Warren and Beauty and … Read More

In Someone Else’s Shoes

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

This week’s highlight isn’t something I could photograph. It’s not tangible or concrete. One of the things that brought me a great deal of happy this week was an epiphany, an awakening of sorts. How many times have you heard, or even said to another person, “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes?” And how many times have you really been … Read More

Nurturing My Happy

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“I think I spend most of my life in awe of everything around me,” I said to my friend when something caught my eye while we were shopping last Sunday, “color and design and talent and nature and just our human ability to do most anything…I’m just always in awe.” “I’d say that’s a very good word to describe you, … Read More

Winning Combinations

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Short but sweet, Journeyers… Last Sunday, I glanced up from my work to spot this rare Eastern Bluebird sitting on a delicate branch smack dab in the middle of my view. Twenty-eight years in this home and I’ve never seen this species. And the ground! Do you see the ground?!   The sheer sight of the grass is a definite … Read More

All Shook Up

Annah ElizabethUncategorized10 Comments

Proverbial Shit has been knocking on my door this week, Journeyer. Nagging nuisances that just sort of make us feel icky and ornery and rundown. Three words to kick it off: Snow. SNOW! (EVER-LOVIN’-F-IN’) SNOW!! This is on the hood of Warren’s truck! And leaving for work in more subzero temperatures that dipped to MINUS TWENTY! What’s all this nonsense … Read More

Super Moments

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

The Superbowl. “Which team are you rooting for, the one with the white helmets?” That would be me, inciting chuckles from the avid football fans at this year’s SB party. This year we broke from tradition of hosting the gathering at our house, and though that is my favorite part of the season’s event—entertaining and having opportunity to break out all … Read More

It’s Random…Joy

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

A week of simple pleasures… This pair of boots packs a double smile! One because they are warm and uber comfy… And two because they were a gift from Beauty, who rescued them from a college roommate who was going to discard the never worn footwear! I will forever be both curious about and in awe of life’s simple brilliance…This…this … Read More

It’s a Wrap and a Cover!

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Journeyers, I’m so excited I could bust a gut! The final cover for Digging for the Light has been chosen. I know you’re going to love the image as much as I do! The first e-book proof is done and the print proof will be completed later this week! And, as if that weren’t enough excitement for one week, I … Read More