Super Moments

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

The Superbowl.
“Which team are you rooting for, the one with the white helmets?”
That would be me, inciting chuckles from the avid football fans at this year’s SB party.
This year we broke from tradition of hosting the gathering at our house, and though that is my favorite part of the season’s event—entertaining and having opportunity to break out all of my fun kitchenware—I always enjoy the company and the commercials the best.
Okay. Those are the only parts I really notice.
And who couldn’t resist snapping a photo of these four guys watching one of those Chinese hot air balloons float off during a break.
These guys are just downright hilarious…
The super elated feeling that happened when the proof of Digging for the Light arrived in my mailbox…
And when I opened the box containing the bookmarks…
I can’t deny the super excitement when the airline finally booked me on an earlier flight that would get me out ahead of this season’s worst snowstorm to-date… Thank you, Delta, for a great trip!
The elation I felt gazing out onto this super-glorious skyline image as we descended into Shreveport.
And the joy of having a little bonding time and silliness with my super strong and even more superbly awesome son, before he flew out on his next adventure…to the land down under…

Can you imagine? Twenty-two years old and he’s seen the world!

I couldn’t help but feel my heart bursting open with pride and elation as I drank in how happy he is, how settled (three college bachelors in a well-kept house, no less!)…
And then, if you’ve ever had a child who has faced any kind of learning challenge, you’ll understand the pride and joy for my daughter who hasn’t let a difficulty stand in the way of what she wants. So focused and determined and full of perseverance, some of the greatest traits we humans can have. Dean’s list!
I couldn’t have been happier when I received notice that I’d won this $50 Michael’s gift card giveaway from Midlife Boulevard! I know just what I’m going to do with it: I’m going to have a frame made for the very first poster I made to represent The Five Facets.
And then, there was the anxiousness and the exhilaration of preparing for and making the trip…
This little Ninja we bought for Fave on a trip to New Orleans watched over me as I made the two hour drive.
Even a little unexpected sleet couldn’t dampen my excitement!

A fellow speaker and me, with one of the event organizers.

And then a quick drive through downtown Nacogdoches, whose claim to fame is that they are the oldest town in Texas.
If you’re ever in the Nacogdoches area, you have to try out Clear Springs Café!

Warren would have loved the ambience!

My dashing and oh-so-delightful server, Brandon, told me that this restaurant specialty, Chicken Ella, used to be a dish the cooks made for the staff, who convinced the owners to put the dish on the menu.
So glad they heeded the suggestion!
The person who’d recommended this establishment told me the onion rings were a must, and she was absolutely right.

How could I refuse the temptation of good ole southern homemade peach cobbler?

And then, there’s these two pieces of humor that were sprinkled into the week…
Looks like the latter problem isn’t isolate to our neck of the woods!
And then, take a look at this inspiring number…I remember when the visitor count was 111…thank you for continuing to visit here!
How about you, Journeyer, what Moment(s) made you feel super this week, or at least made you smile or feel warm and fuzzy inside? Share them here and spread a little joy…

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