Ask Annah: Can I Say Screw You to the New-Year-New-You Resolutions Hype?

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Dearest Journeyer, Your inbox is filled with NEW-YEAR-NEW YOU invites to every type of inspirational class and program known to man. Your friends are breaking out words for the year of 2018: TRUST! FLOURISH! REFLECT! DRIVE! DANCE! People are posting vision boards and nearly shouting how they are signing up for weight loss programs, writing classes, and locking in one-year … Read More

Don’t Shoehorn Me In

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  It happened at a friend’s house. Thankfully… My host helped facilitate my Syracuse discussion, 5 Steps to Heal Grief. As hard as I try to tell people that my focus is on healing, or healing grief, or, as I say “learning to live our best lives, even in the face of adversity,” people always say, “She’s giving a workshop … Read More

Super Moments

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

The Superbowl. “Which team are you rooting for, the one with the white helmets?” That would be me, inciting chuckles from the avid football fans at this year’s SB party. This year we broke from tradition of hosting the gathering at our house, and though that is my favorite part of the season’s event—entertaining and having opportunity to break out all … Read More

A Hard On

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Our family has been involved in the sport of soccer for nearly seventeen years. Wow…that doesn’t seem possible… Being involved for as long as we have, it also doesn’t seem plausible that the expressions and fans’ shouts aren’t rote. Then, again, I don’t call this segment Annah-isms for nothing… “One coming hard!” and “A man on!” are two common expressions … Read More

Third Wheel Out

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

It happened in my office.   With a few strokes on my keyboard. I was writing a piece to submit to She Writes’ Three Minus One contest submission. “The oldest of three, I wanted only two children. You know, that whole ‘third wheel/third-man-out’ syndrome, I wrote.  And I continue thanking my lucky charms that Warren is willing to help me … Read More

The Dirty Eye

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

It happened at a family reunion. On a bus tour of Valley Forge. Warren was shaking my mother’s and my aunt’s seats, playfully picking, as is his constant nature. I noticed my aunt looking over her shoulder in Warren’s direction. “Is she giving you the dirty eye?” “I think it’s ‘the evil eye,’ Annah,” he said. “That’s another one of … Read More

What’s an Annah-ism

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

What’s an Annah-ism, you ask?   I am notorious for mixing metaphors, continents, and timeframes.   You know how it is when traveling to a foreign land, no matter how hard you try to understand the cultural idiosyncrasies and allegories, they just don’t make sense?   Well, I’m like a tourist in my own native land.   Over the years, … Read More

Cute as a Baby’s–

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

The photo says it all! Mark Twain meets Gerber Baby! This Lil’ Shaver pacifier by Fred Baby Products made me laugh out loud as I browsed the gift shop. Happy happened in a Cracker Barrel restaurant. What about you? What Moments of delight made you laugh or smile this week? Share your insights here and create a smile in someone else’s … Read More

Phil (Punxsutawney) Might Not be a Fraud After All

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Oh, the weather outside is frightful… And so, so dreadful… Someone who rarely ever naps, I’ve taken a mid-day snooze nearly every day since daylight savings took effect. Between the new work assignment, which has me up a God-awful fifteen minutes earlier than ever, the pitch black hour I leave in the morning, and the wintry March weather that has … Read More

Flippin’ Funny

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

You know the drill. “Gown opens in the back.” Instructions for my recent colonoscopy and upper GI—a Flipper, they call it—however, included additional pieces of attire. “Everything off except your bra, socks, and shoes.” “And there’s a pair of shorts for you to put on,” the nurse said before she left the room. I couldn’t help chuckle at the fashion … Read More