Chocolate is Salad, Happiness is a Smorgasbord

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! Right now, we’re returning from an out-of-town trip for Big Guy. I have to say that in this moment, as Warren drives through intermittent freezing rain and snow, I’m grateful that my boy doesn’t have use of his license right now. Chuckle… I guess there really are two sides to nearly every emotion… My youngest was driving … Read More

Happiness is…

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Happy Sunday-Monday, Journeyer! Fortunately for me, it’s a snow day today! The post I began writing seems to have disappeared when my computer did an automatic reboot. I wonder if I’ll ever learn not to leave a dozen started and unsaved windows open… No worries, though, because the thoughts will eventually come back to me in some new and refreshing … Read More

Healing and the Two Sides of What If?

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Happy Thursday-Friday, Journeyer! Yesterday I received some equally sad and happy news: Hay House Publishing picked the three winners of their Denver workshop book proposal contest. The world is about to be inspired in magnificent new ways and these authors are about to embark on a fabulous new adventure! The disheartening bit is that The Five Facets Philosophy on Healing … Read More

A Few Bittersweet and Salty Days

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Well, Journeyers, today I’m writing from a lobby in the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City.   This place is exquisite, from this enormous cut floral arrangement…   to the balcony views…     to the marble bathrooms…     Yep, we’re on the road, again.   This time we hit the skyways to support Fave in his national … Read More

People Who Need People…

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Journeyers, for the first time in I don’t know how long, I missed a post in this weekly Happy Happens column… And now this one is going to be two or three days late… It’s been a grueling three weeks, a time period when I nearly bit off more than I could chew, so to speak… Last spring I signed … Read More

Book Giveaway!

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Journeyers, I am honored that so many people are taking an interest in this baby of mine, Digging for the Light.   She’s been in the works for more than twelve years. Twelve years! And she’s finally here! Phew! But we need to get her out into more, Friends! We need to spread inspiration for everyone who is trying to … Read More

Georgia O’Keeffe’s Fear, Glennon Melton’s Sacred Scared, and Choosing Healing

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“I’ve been absolutely terrified every second of my life-and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.” ~ Georgia O’Keeffe Journeyer, I came across this quote while reading Glennon Melton’s post Sacred Scared. Wow, just wow… Glennon has this beautiful and forceful, yet gentle at the same time, way of reminding us all … Read More

Super Moments

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

The Superbowl. “Which team are you rooting for, the one with the white helmets?” That would be me, inciting chuckles from the avid football fans at this year’s SB party. This year we broke from tradition of hosting the gathering at our house, and though that is my favorite part of the season’s event—entertaining and having opportunity to break out all … Read More

The Wait is OVER: Digging for the Light is HERE!

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Today’s THE DAY, Journeyers!! I’m excited and honored and nervous and happy as all get-out… If you pre-ordered the Nook version, it’s waiting for you now! The Kindle version went live a few hours ago! And you can order the print version here. The paperback link hasn’t quite made its way to Amazon’s search database, but should be there within … Read More

It’s Random…Joy

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

A week of simple pleasures… This pair of boots packs a double smile! One because they are warm and uber comfy… And two because they were a gift from Beauty, who rescued them from a college roommate who was going to discard the never worn footwear! I will forever be both curious about and in awe of life’s simple brilliance…This…this … Read More