Happiness is…

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Happy Sunday-Monday, Journeyer!
Fortunately for me, it’s a snow day today!
The post I began writing seems to have disappeared when my computer did an automatic reboot. I wonder if I’ll ever learn not to leave a dozen started and unsaved windows open…
No worries, though, because the thoughts will eventually come back to me in some new and refreshing form.
This week’s joy could be found in some of the simplest things…like repeating numbers…
The repeating numbers 333 have been even more prevalent since my psychic party, where one of the group facilitators told me that the numbers I keep seeing are an indicator that ascended masters are trying to connect with me.
The pics below are only a few of the digits I saw on a daily basis.
I also saw 111, 222, 333, and 555 this week!
Angel expert Doreen Virtue has this to say about the significance of those numbers.
111 is the angel’s way of letting me know opportunities are presenting themselves to me.
222 is the angel’s way of telling me that my ideas are growing into a reality, and is the universe’s way of telling me to keep going and not give up!
333 (which I saw even more times than seen in these photos) is the way Ascended Masters let me know they are near and I have their help. That is both cool and oh, so comforting.
 333…the time…
555 is the universe’s way of letting me know some change is about to take place.
Seeing repeating numbers isn’t uncommon for me, but I’m not sure I’ve ever noticed so many patterns in one week!
This work I’m doing with The Five Facets Philosophy, a guide to helping us live our best life, even in the face of adversity, is growing like grass after a fresh spring rain. That evolution makes me happy, Journeyer! These symbols are just one more layer of that joy.
Other happy news included the completion of the FAFSA form…times two…
…completion of a consolidated scholarship list for Big Guy…
…completion of the Powerpoint presentation for my upcoming speech…
…dinner with hubby…
one of the best sausage sandwiches I’ve ever had!
…the fortune I received when we ordered take-out Chinese after a long day…
…a couple’s wine tour with friends…
a desert wine to die for!
What a happy boy at 17 years of age!
The sunset that guided our drive home
…and a SuperBowl party to round out the week…
When we’re caught up in the mundane of work, relationship, and raising a family, it’s so easy to forget that happiness is about nothing more than “enjoying what you got,” even when it comes with grammatical errors…
When we’re willing to see the magic moment(s) the universe provides us, we discover that happiness repeats itself again and again…
It is the recognition repetition that reinforces and solidifies our Happy…
What about you, Journeyer? What fortuitous moment(s) brought you joy this week?
OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! This week marks the one year anniversary of my TEDx Talk and the publication of my memoir, Digging for the Light: One Woman’s Journey from Heartache to Hope!
As promised, I’m celebrating with a discount for all you neighbors who are looking for a little inspiration and for all you allies who might know someone who might find something meaningful in a reflective memoir.
I’m offering a $5 discount code for all print purchases made between now and the end of the day on Friday, February 6!

And one final thing before we part: Our neighborhood is rapidly growing! Please join us by adding your name to receive a free digital copy of our power mantras poster. It includes ten of our top quotes that feed our soul and fuel our inspiration! You’ll also receive our free monthly newsletter!
We can’t wait to have you as our neighbor!
Until we meet again, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

4 Comments on “Happiness is…”

  1. Liv, that lab was such a love! He reminded me of my old boy, Slim. One of the hardest things I ever had to do was make the choice to have him put down when a paralysis of his pharynx (not sure I’m remembering that right) greatly reduced his quality of life… Meeting the boy above brought back fond memories. 🙂

    That pic of my family is so old, lol… But it’s one of my favorite pics, so I keep it!

    Your comments on my blog always light up my day, Liv! And sometimes, like today, they mean more than you could know! <3

    1. Sorry to hear about your dog… :`( That ‘s still so recent and fresh… My boy has been gone for a number of years now, our routines are different…which make it much easier to feel the fondness associated with him… Hugs, Liv!

      Also…I’m adding your blog to my Blog Roll so your updates are always there for me to see! 🙂

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