Healing and the Two Sides of Cooperation

Annah ElizabethHealing and the Two Sides of, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health, SpiritualityLeave a Comment

Cooperation. It’s one of the first words we learn with regard to getting along with others. It often first appears in forms of obedience: cooperate with your parents by doing your chores, helping out in the household or with other siblings. We then move on to structures outside the home, daycare and school, where these same expectations for cooperation are tied … Read More

The Numbers Have It

Annah ElizabethBig Guy, Happy Happens ™2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! This week has been a bit of a blur! I’ve been so fatigued that I didn’t even attend my Crossfit sessions on Wednesday or Friday. Though I felt a good kind of tired after working out I just didn’t have any energy left for the rest of the day. I found out on Thursday why I have … Read More

Happiness is…

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Happy Sunday-Monday, Journeyer! Fortunately for me, it’s a snow day today! The post I began writing seems to have disappeared when my computer did an automatic reboot. I wonder if I’ll ever learn not to leave a dozen started and unsaved windows open… No worries, though, because the thoughts will eventually come back to me in some new and refreshing … Read More