Ask Annah (and Tiny Buddha): Why Do I Feel so Alone?

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health, Relationships2 Comments

Dear Journeyer, Nearly every day I read this question or hear someone pleading for an answer to the overwhelming fear or loss they feel inside. A sense of loneliness or of feeling alone can impact any combination of your academic, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual facets and it is one of the factors that could be standing between you and … Read More

Dear Hopeful, 5 Steps to Heal Your Hurts

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Last night I clicked on a link that posed a question like “What’s holding you back from living your dreams?” I don’t often participate in those types of internet polls but this one drew me in because it was from Tony Robbins. After a few brief questions something like “Do you make friends easily or do you stand against … Read More

A Bouquet of Fear

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Back in July, BlogHer Family editor, Jenna Hatfield posed this question, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” I’ve been working on Fear: Is It Friend or Foe for more than a week now, but it’s just not ready, Friends. I feel this Fear piece needs as much of my undivided attention as this courage composition had, but right … Read More

Going for It

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

 Earlier this summer, Hubby surprised me with this little gift.   This brilliant little sea turtle, and creatureOf the deep Is a special gift from me to you, and your To keep. To give you courage to do the things you Want without doubt, Because even a turtle can’t get anywhere Without sticking its neck out! Written and printed by Thoughtful … Read More

On Leadership and Failure

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

This morning I’ve got Leadership on my mind. Last year I applied to speak at a local TEDx event. The TED organization, for those not familiar with them, is a group whose focus is centered around one central theme: “Ideas worth spreading.” I’ve been following TED and TEDx (locally branded TED enthusiasts groups) speeches for nearly six years now. One … Read More

Leaping Fearlessly

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt Journeyers, I’ve had a few great weeks, and this last one has been downright exhilarating! I’ve been working hard on The Five Facetsprojects this past year, making a commitment to writing three times a week, and doing it. Doing it for me. Because it makes … Read More

On Courage, Wisdom, and Triumph

Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

I try to refrain from writing a great deal about my children for two specific reasons. Firstly, I don’t want to be one of those parents who whip out the six-foot accordion file of wallet photos when asked about my cherubs. And secondly, they have surpassed that age of “Look, MOM! TAKE A PICTURE OF ME!” but haven’t yet come … Read More

Two Things

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Dear Journeyer,Though this message was originally written with a single individual in mind, it applies for each and every one of us… I can’t seem to get enough of your writing. And, honestly, I just can’t shake you, or you and Hubby, or you and your beautiful little family from my mind. Last week I was moved to write you … Read More