Hypnotic Happy

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Journeyer, I had the most amazing experience this past week… Most of us are no stranger to stress, and I am definitely no exception. With life already a bit crazy busy and a mounting saga at work, I knew I had to do something… So I phoned a friend. That statement alone makes me smile and tickles my happy organ! … Read More

It’s a Wrap and a Cover!

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Journeyers, I’m so excited I could bust a gut! The final cover for Digging for the Light has been chosen. I know you’re going to love the image as much as I do! The first e-book proof is done and the print proof will be completed later this week! And, as if that weren’t enough excitement for one week, I … Read More

Small Indulgences

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

There is a woman who sells jewelry at one of our local craft fairs every year. And each year I purchase a set or two for myself and as Christmas gifts for friends. And every single time I wear one of the pieces, as I did several times this week, I receive compliment after compliment. The name of her business? … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

Yesterday, I spent a gloriously exhausting day at a TEDx event, where I met with many wonderfully new and exciting ideas and people. One speech brought together those two entities in the form of a single word: Paesano. Paesano, as he told us, literally translates to countrymen or villager, but the truest essence of what it represents is friend. Not … Read More

Going for It

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

 Earlier this summer, Hubby surprised me with this little gift.   This brilliant little sea turtle, and creatureOf the deep Is a special gift from me to you, and your To keep. To give you courage to do the things you Want without doubt, Because even a turtle can’t get anywhere Without sticking its neck out! Written and printed by Thoughtful … Read More

On Leadership and Failure

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

This morning I’ve got Leadership on my mind. Last year I applied to speak at a local TEDx event. The TED organization, for those not familiar with them, is a group whose focus is centered around one central theme: “Ideas worth spreading.” I’ve been following TED and TEDx (locally branded TED enthusiasts groups) speeches for nearly six years now. One … Read More