Tough as Woodpecker Lips

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

Laugh with me, Journeyer! It is 8:29 on this Sunday morning and, for those of you who follow these weekly posts, you know what’s coming… We are on the road, AGAIN… Another nine to ten hours of driving today, this time to take Beauty back to college. As I looked through this week’s photos, the experiences seemed so far away. … Read More

Finding Joy in the Junk

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Well, Journeyers, I think my brain is fried… We returned from Salt Lake City mid Tuesday afternoon to a home with a bad main breaker coming into the house. Some of you might have noticed in the one photo that Warren was on his cell phone as he sat suspended in the Great Salt Lake. It is a rare occasion … Read More

There’s Magic in Movement

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

You know how it is when company comes to town, Journeyers? Life gets busier and better and crazier and it’s nice to see them come, but it’s also nice to see them go? I know this woman who begins counting down the days ‘til her children go back to school, the second she leaves to bring them home for break. … Read More

Teaching Our Children to Fish

Annah ElizabethUncategorized9 Comments

I’ve always called a spade a spade.A vagina a vagina. And a penis a penis. This morning I stumbled across a mother’s forum where a woman asks for pet names to call her children’s privates. She states that she always felt awkward when her mom used the word vagina, and she didn’t want to put her daughter through that discomfort. Oh, … Read More

Family Minus One…and Counting

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Two years ago I went on a two day journey to take my oldest son to college. Today, I am wishing my daughter all the best as she begins the next chapter of her life. I thought she and I had everything covered, all the items she’d need–save for some food items–purchased. HA! We made one trip to the local … Read More