Ask Annah: Why Do I Feel Worse 2-3 Years after My Significant Life Loss Event

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health2 Comments

Dear Journeyer, I am often asked some variation of this question: “It’s been three years since my child/parent/sibling/spouse/best friend died and I feel worse now than I did when it happened. What is wrong with me?” Though this query often references the death of a person, I have also heard it with regard to other forms of loss, including but … Read More

A Break in the Clouds

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Parenting, SpiritualityLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer, It has been a rough two weeks, a sort of calm before the storm. Days filled with anxiety and unrecognized fear, two things that when combined are a cocktail for Anger and Frustration and Heartache. Despite abundant sunshine, my days were filled with a thick haze that precedes a storm. My nights  interrupted by persistent, yet unusual, lightening … Read More

Over the River and Through the Woods of Mental Health

Annah Elizabeth8 Comments

Happy Thursday, Journeyer! I have a post that needs to incubate a little longer, and I’m a little curious about a few things… Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Every year since my children were born, I have purchased Christmas ornaments for each one of them and one for Warren and me. The decorations are themed around some event … Read More

Nanu Nanu: Hello Depression, Goodbye Robin Williams

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Robin William’s suicide has put mental health awareness in the spotlight again. And it has sparked a firestorm of thoughts and opinions from those who feel our mental health system is “the worst,” to those who believe the illness doesn’t exist, to those who think a person should just suck it up and accept whatever reality they are in. As … Read More