Tai, Chi, and the Journey

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health, Spirituality2 Comments

Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.  ~Canadian entertainer, Drake

Happy Sunday, Journeyer!

This has been such an interesting week, and for the most part it’s all about exploration and travels for my family.

Warren has been in Cartagena this past week and I am so happy for all of the successes he and our U.S. teams have had.

At the end of my Friday workday, I accompanied Beauty to The Big Apple where she left for her trip to Thailand! This excursion has been a year in waiting, and I can’t wait to read and hear all about her many adventures!

Big Guy has been plenty busy playing, working out, and taking care of some stuff for the upcoming college year.

I met a friend and her daughter for lunch on Saturday and enjoyed a few hours catching up. She suggested three restaurants, one of which was a Thai restaurant in Queens. Seeing as I’ve never been to that part of the city and the fact that the cuisine would sort of honor Beauty’s trip, we chose to meet there.

In the back of this restaurant is a fabulous patio with all sorts of greenery, a fountain, and fresh air. It was the perfect day to be outside, a nice breeze on a balmy midday.

Two and a half hours, Journeyer, yet it felt as if we’d spent most of a day together.

That’s the sort of journey that creates a destination.

I felt refreshed, loved, nurtured, and connected to the people, the place, and the plant life on that patio.

There was a steady stream of people coming in, but the hum around me was like a little holistic excursion.

I’ve been thinking about taking a Tai Chi class for more than two years now; a way of learning how to tap into my life energy and to increase the positive sides of that life force within me.

This week’s moments seemed to hold a number of that Chi like energy.

Another, mind-boggling work situation stuck it’s tongue out at me, but that is a bit how I chose to look at it: One person’s actions are just ignorant, as in a childlike impulsivity that comes from a clear lack of experience.

In other words I chose to look the other way with regard to this latest egregious behavior. I might not be able to fight city hall, but I sure as heck am not going to employ the old adage, “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

I sort of adopted the attitude that the situation simply is… The travels through this entire saga have definitely taught me a great deal about one of my destinations.

I participated in another intuition development class and also in a class where we made our own rune stone set.

I followed a creative classmate’s motion and used the remaining clay to add the non-traditional blank and to craft five one-of-a kind stones to add a  to my set.

The Hummingbird–a strong and reoccurring symbol in The Five Facets of Healing–symbolizes rebirth and an opportunity for something new. It is also a reminder how quickly our situations and our moods can change.

I incorporated three other symbols that hold a great deal of meaning to me: The Tree of Life, The Sun, and The Angel. Lastly I added The Butterfly as it is widely used in areas related to grief and healing.

One of this week’s coolest occurrences, though, was when I was out taking me and Patches for a walk and received a Facetime call from Warren! The house I was in front of has a booster that enabled me to connect with my hubby who in Cartagena while I was walking in a valley that otherwise has no cell service. Don’t you just love modern technology?!

Tai, Chi, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical journeys all fed my week’s happy.

What about you, Journeyer? What moment(s) awakened something joyous or enlightening in you?

I love reading your news. Share?

Annah Elizabeth Signature

2 Comments on “Tai, Chi, and the Journey”

  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful writing! Rune making was made much more enjoyable with you there!

    1. Hi, Shannon! I’m so happy that seat next to you was open! I enjoyed hanging with you that night and look forward to the next time our paths cross. 🙂

      Have you used your runes? I’ve used them in several readings for myself and others, and everyone has been delighted with the messages they’ve delivered. <3

      Thanks so much for reading and sharing!

      Love and light!

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