What Happens in Salem

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Marriage, Mental Health, Travel2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer!

This past week has been a glorious blur!

I had planned to go with Warren to California this past week but plans just didn’t come together and with all the work stress, I’m behind on some Five Facets projects.

We decided to make a run for it for a few days. We spent weeks talking about where we wanted to go but couldn’t decide. We had three places in mind: Niagara Falls (our very first getaway date), Boston/Salem, or Gettysburg.

My expired passport ruled out The Falls and I somehow I wasn’t feeling Gettysburg, so we settled on Salem.

You know how some trips take forever to plan and then feel like they’re over before they even get started? The kind that wear you out so much that when you return home you say you need a vacation to recover from your vacation?

I was concerned because the drive to Salem was over six hours and we were leaving Tuesday and returning Thursday so Warren could catch a late morning flight out on Friday.

Salem felt so much like home away from home that we both felt rested and like we’d had a much longer break than we did.

I have to tell you about some of the things we did, so if you’re ever in Salem, Mass, you’ll have something to go by!

Warren found this hidden treasure of a hotel called Rockport Inn and Suites; it’s about twenty minutes from Salem.  It had good reviews with a few comments that the bathrooms are small. But really, how much time are you going to spend in the bathroom when you’re on vacation?

The indoor pool and spa are in this amazing annex that overlooks an outdoor courtyard with comfy furniture and a fabulous fire pit.

The rooms are clean, cozy, and the bed was super comfy. I’m not sure if all of their stays include breakfast or if it was a deal Warren found, but the food was good and the staff was super friendly.

We had a few scrumptious seafood meals and a delicious diner lunch at Red’s Sandwich Shop in Salem right before we left. Red’s is an historic site that was originally The Old London Coffee House where Samuel Adams (if memory serves me right) once held a critical town meeting.

Seafood Pasta in Salem

Seafood Grille Seafood Pasta

Seaport Cafe Crab Cake Salem MA

Seaport Cafe Crab Cake Salem MA

OH! The soup at Red’s! I almost forgot! Warren said his clam chowder was some of the best he’s ever had and the best he had on this trip, but you haven’t had a really good soup until you’ve tried Red’s butternut squash apple… I think I died and went to heaven! Honestly, I just wanted to sit in a vat of it and never leave. It is that good.

Red's in Salem butternut squash apple soup

The BEST SOUP EVER! Red’s Sandwich Shop – Butternut squash apple

We visited the famous House of Seven Gables and took two tours that talked about the town’s history and the witch trials. Both our guides were knowledgeable  and entertaining but the one guide named Tim Maguire is a true historian at heart. He has a wealth of information to share and is more than happy to do so.

Original Meeting House for Salem Witch Trials

Original Meeting House for the Salem Witch Trials

If you’re looking for anything metaphysical, Pyramid Books on Derby Street is a breath of fresh air! They have a large assortment of crystals, books, cards, runes, and all sorts of other things I didn’t get a look at, and owner Kelly is simply delightful. The energy in this place is purely positive!

Believe it or not, Hubby and I slept in Wednesday morning, had a leisurely breakfast and a lengthy hot tub soak even before we set out sightseeing!

We spent Thursday morning touring the coastline around Rockport and Gloucester. Talk about breathtaking!

Like I said, this brief getaway just left me feeling reconnected to myself and my spouse and fully refreshed, a much needed shift in my energy.

Other events that helped feed my happy are the tulips that continue to bud and open in my yard; daughter Beauty who came to the rescue to house and pet sit for us; and two neighbors who helped me repair a bad hot water tank and electrical panel breaker while Warren was away.

I’m also super excited for the three-series workshop that begins this Tuesday! I’ve spent the weekend planning activities to accompany The Five Facets Philosophy materials and can’t wait to witness the transformations of those who are joining me to learn how they can live their best lives by letting go of conflict and grief.

Sometimes, Journeyer, happiness appears in the form of a flower, sometimes in the form of an apparition, and sometimes we find it behind closed doors…

What about you, Journeyer? What moment(s) fed your happy last week? Please tell me in a comment below!

Until we meet again, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

Annah Elizabeth Signature

p.s. I feel compelled to note that I didn’t receive any form of compensation for any of these reviews. I simply share because they were a part of my week’s joy and I want to share the love.

2 Comments on “What Happens in Salem”

  1. I’m glad you got away. We’ve got a weekend away planned in June and I really can’t believe how much I’m looking forward to it.

    1. Ahhh…I feel a huge sigh of relief for you, but more like a body filled with peace and relaxation!

      Many moons ago we were the type of family who crammed everything in on a vacation…”go-go-go.” I never felt like I had a vacation until we just began planning a few highlights and then just meandering through our days…

      Can you relate to either of those?

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