On Falling from Grace and Forgiveness

Annah ElizabethForgiveness, Happy Happens ™, Spirituality2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer and for those who honor the holiday, Happy Easter! As I thought about this week’s post and the upcoming Christian celebration, I thought about how Easter reminds me of all of us, people from all religions and those of non religion. This morning marks the fifteenth year my family has participated in an Easter Dawn pageant, a reenactment of … Read More

Messages from the Universe

Annah ElizabethBooks, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, SpiritualityLeave a Comment

It’s been a crazy, yet exhilarating week, Journeyer. I’ve been trying to keep up on the anthology submissions for the Grief Diaries Anthology Series, working with my web designer on a few changes and incorporating my beautiful little logo into the site! And I’ve been working on pulling together all of the materials for my upcoming workshop at the North … Read More

The Life

Annah ElizabethBeauty, Fave, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Travel2 Comments

Journeyer…have you ever felt like you were living “the life?” You know the one…that expression “She’s living the life of her dreams!” or “He’s living the high life!” That’s sort of how last week presents itself when I look back at the photos and notes I jotted down for this Happy Happens column. As usual, I am short on time … Read More