Can’t versus Don’t Want To

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Last fall I discovered this amazing little app. C25K. Couch to a 5k. I started the program with great gusto. But this underlying attitude ensured a quick demise. “I’m not a runner.” Can’t Never Could And then a friend asked me if I wanted to try and lose weight with her. “You’re the only one I can do it with,” … Read More

The Floodgates of Resentment from a Damsel in Distress

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Three days ago I cried myself to sleep. Crocodile-sized-snot running-down-my-face-and-onto-my-pillow kind of tears. Resentment woke me several times during the night. Resentment brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat over and over the next morning, until I finally told myself that I had to table The Beast and focus on the work at hand. On my … Read More