Scouting Tomorrow’s Leaders

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

It’s that time of year, again. Cabin fever. Spring fever. Daylight savings time. Girl Scout cookies. Several weeks ago I passed a group of young girls standing at the edge of a parking lot, waving brightly decorated signs “GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!” The air outside was bitterly cold and snow blew wildly on the wind. I made a U-Turn and headed … Read More

Children Face Life’s Irony, Paradox, and Tragedy

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

I am the type of person who ranks honesty as one of my top values. I’m the type of person who doesn’t pussyfoot around any subject, even those like vaginas, penes, and death. I’ve tried to parent the same way, being open, honest, and answering my children’s questions as age-appropriately as I could. I’ve been direct in letting them know … Read More

Teaching Our Children to Fish

Annah ElizabethUncategorized9 Comments

I’ve always called a spade a spade.A vagina a vagina. And a penis a penis. This morning I stumbled across a mother’s forum where a woman asks for pet names to call her children’s privates. She states that she always felt awkward when her mom used the word vagina, and she didn’t want to put her daughter through that discomfort. Oh, … Read More