From a Train Window

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

As I gaze out of the train window onto a thick fog, Liz Gilbert suddenly pops into my thoughts. And I wonder. I wonder if she traveled by train when she moved from place to place, as she wrote Eat, Pray, Love. I wonder if she wrote longhand, in sweeping, cursive characters, or if she used an electronic device, as … Read More

An Imprint

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

Holiday Mathis provided this Capricorn horoscope, today:“Your imprint on others is emotional. Think about what kind of mood you capture, embody and unintentionally inflict on others. That’s what will remain after you’ve left the room.” Wow… As I read this, many things bombarded me at once. First of all, my life’s work seems to be attached to the emotional connection … Read More

The Making of a Happy Liver

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Today, my job has brought me to a maximum security men’s prison in upstate New York. I was one of six adults enlisted to transport seven at-risk students to the prison for an awareness program. Five inmates, including three murderers, participate in an intensive training program before going on to teach delinquent students, to try to reach them, to encourage … Read More

Family Momentum II

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Shortly after my daughter’s sixteenth birthday party, my oldest son and I loaded the last few items into his car and headed out on the long journey to college. I must say, a little worry tugged at me. You see, he inherited my stubborn and self-willed genetic traits. What if we don’t get along? How are we going to survive … Read More

What I’m Thankful for Tonight

Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

I’m going to borrow a post idea from Wooliesocks. I believe that, no matter how difficult things may seem at any given time, there is a positive to be found, if only we will seek it. Time for me to put my words into action! 🙂 I am thankful for: – Publishers (like Sourcebooks) who continue to receive unsolicited queries.– … Read More

Hear My Fear

Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

Two months ago, I gave a speech on the physical facet of loss and healing. “Yelling,” I said, “is an outlet to vent frustration, anger, and hurt. That rage reaction to those emotions, however, often signals an inner fear of something.” After I finished speaking, a man in the small audience said, “I’ve learned something new today. I didn’t know … Read More


Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

S – Sweets, Shoes, Shopping Oh, that’s right; part of the stress is that hubby miscalculated, more than once, time and cost estimates for the job he’s on. I am experiencing major financial stress at the moment, which means I don’t have money to go shopping or buy stylish shoes. Good thing I don’t engage in retail therapy until things get really, really ugly. … Read More

Re-Sweetening Sixteen

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Sixteenth birthdays are important milestones in our lives. As teenagers, we spend months, if not years, dreaming (often obsessing) about the day we are officially allowed to drive. Freedom!! In my area, girls are having sweet sixteen parties that tend to be lavish events where parents rent halls and hire caterers. I don’t recall such parties during my high school … Read More

Striking… something…

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

I’ve been trying to write this post for the past week… Last week (which is now two weeks ago!) was a week that kept giving, and giving, and giving… right on into this past week… My oldest son’s break-up with his girlfriend took its toll on all of us. Those of you who are parents of teens know all too … Read More


Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I cannot begin to convey how amazed and humbled I am by the vast response to the last post. Clearly I touched something in many as the post counter is rapidly rising. I hope you are enjoying my words, and, possibly, finding some message that benefits you. I have a deep belief that some of the stagnation that occurs in our healing process … Read More