Happy Happens™

Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

Happy Happens. Just like the proverbial shit happens, happy happens.™ Happiness, it’s definition, and the possession or the elusion of it in our lives is an age-old saga, Neighbor! I am sure that you can recite any number of quotes and cliches you’ve encountred on the subject. And something tells me you can easily conjure moments when you’ve felt happy … Read More

Shades of Red

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

It’s a bit of a whining day, Folks. I’m not settling in to going back to work very well. I feel like I can’t catch my breath and as if I’m even more unprepared and harried than I’ve been. We were late for Beauty’s soccer game today, thinking we had to leave the house at noon, for a match that … Read More

I’m Home

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I’m home, Journeyers, literally and figuratively. We’ve spent a fair amount of time on the road since last fall, following our three children to and fro. Though I feel at home wherever I am, it sure is nice to be able to plant myself in my office chair and sleep in my own bed. This week, I got together with … Read More

Leaping Fearlessly

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt Journeyers, I’ve had a few great weeks, and this last one has been downright exhilarating! I’ve been working hard on The Five Facetsprojects this past year, making a commitment to writing three times a week, and doing it. Doing it for me. Because it makes … Read More

Something Old, Something New, Something…Shiny

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Where to BEGIN?! I guess with this. Warren and I had a week without any fights, without any SUPER H…E…A…V…Y… conversations, a week without Tension. I think we’re going to be alright, I first realized and then said to him, as we chuckled over some random inside joke. And I hate to admit this, but guess what? I wasn’t all … Read More

Babies, Babies, and BlogTalkRadio

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Journeyers, I’m so excited to share this with you! I’ve been asked to be a BlogTalkRadio guest and to talk about my work on loss and healing!  Pia Louise, visionary and creativity coach, hosts Lifestyles and Profiles. Join me and Pia, this Tuesday, July 2 at 2:00 for this life-changing discussion. Share the link and spread the word!! This … Read More

I Am The Cure

Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

I am the cure. For what ails me. And I’m so glad that this past week of Mad and Sad is over. Some weeks are that way, where The Shit seems to flourish. That seemingly eternal anguish makes me all the more appreciative for those times like Mother’s Day week, when I noticed plenty of Happy. Honestly, until Friday, I … Read More

Pretty in Pink

Annah Elizabeth5 Comments

  Long before the idea of Happy Happens sprouted in my mind, I received great joy from seeing these spring blooms during my daily commute. Honestly, I’d round the bend in the highway, and my heart would soar. Every. Single. Time. One day I decided I wanted to bring this kind of pleasure to my own yard. I phoned the … Read More

The Kindness of Friends

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Last Friday I had surgery to remove my appendix, right ovary and tube. Thursday evening, one of my pals showed up at my doorstep with Friday’s dinner. I returned home after the day procedure to find this gift from another friend.     And yesterday another girlfriend appeared at my doorstep with the evening meal for me and my boys.     … Read More

Constant Comment, Remedy for the Common Cold

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

    I thought I might have dodged the winter bug bullet. But, alas, I came down with a cold earlier this week. Let me just say there is nothing like a piping hot mug of Constant Comment tea to help cure what ails ya. The unique blend of orange and spice seems to replenish what the common cold saps … Read More