Healing and the Two Sides of Spirituality

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

  One of the key elements in The Five Facets Philosophyis the spiritual facet. I chose the term spiritual over religiousbecause each of us is born with a spiritual essence. Though organized religion attaches itself to spirituality, our spirit is not linked inherently to organized doctrine. Our spirit is our very essence; at its core it includes things like our … Read More

The Choice Between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Journeyer, you’re not going to believe this, but we are on the road. Again. {Insert Chuckle.} You know that old saying, “Sometimes it’s better to laugh than cry.” The only thing I’m not really looking forward to is these next several thousand miles as we drive from New York to Charolotte to Nashiville to Shreveport…before loading up Fave’s house and … Read More

Two Things

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Dear Journeyer,Though this message was originally written with a single individual in mind, it applies for each and every one of us… I can’t seem to get enough of your writing. And, honestly, I just can’t shake you, or you and Hubby, or you and your beautiful little family from my mind. Last week I was moved to write you … Read More