
Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Mental Health4 Comments

Dear Journeyer,

As I reflect on the photos of this past week, this early morning video stands out.

Morning Bird Song in December

One week after Christmas I woke up to birds singing outside of the bedroom window, something I haven’t heard in the month of December since moving to upstate New York thirty years ago.

The last week was one full of events that filled my heart with song.

Precious time with family…

Redneck Life

Christmas music…

Christmas spirit…

Christmas cheer…

Christmas lights…

Christmas camaraderie…

And a celebration of my life!

Birthday Cake 2015

As I penned the title, I was reminded of the late Mattie Stepanek, a young boy whose body was riddled with disease, yet his heart was full of joy and peace.

A young lad who could just as easily have focused on fear and frustration about the things he couldn’t or wouldn’t ever be able to do, instead concentrated on all that he could do.

And in the process he inspired a world.

If you want to be inspired, check out all that he accomplished in his short life.

All these things fill my heart with song, Journeyer…

What about you? What moment(s) filled your heart this past week? Share something in a comment below and help heal a world of hurt.

Until we meet again, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

Annah Elizabeth Signature

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