Georgia O’Keeffe’s Fear, Glennon Melton’s Sacred Scared, and Choosing Healing

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“I’ve been absolutely terrified every second of my life-and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.” ~ Georgia O’Keeffe Journeyer, I came across this quote while reading Glennon Melton’s post Sacred Scared. Wow, just wow… Glennon has this beautiful and forceful, yet gentle at the same time, way of reminding us all … Read More

On Failure, Fat, and Hope

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I recently saw a commercial for the upcoming Biggest Loser series. A quick blip of a girl with a weightlifting bar overheard flashed on the screen and I heard her say, “I used to be an Olympic Weightlifter.” I used to be a swimmer and a diver and an equestrian, I thought. And, as a teenager, some seventy-five pounds lighter … Read More