Ask Annah: Why I Stayed Married after My Husband’s Two Affairs

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Family, Loss, Grief, and Healing, RelationshipsLeave a Comment

Dear Journeyer, Many people enter a state of disbelief when they learn that I am still married to the man who had two affairs following our wedding vows. And while some just can’t seem to wrap their brains around it, others have appeared flustered or fustrated, while one person wrote a scathing comment that basically described me as the reason … Read More

Ruby’s Perspectacle

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™Leave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! Wow…what a week… I must say that the most rewarding part of the week was having a week off from my “outside job.’ One glorious week. And to boot? Hubby was away for the bookend weekends, which meant I had the house to myself and hours upon hours to work on some passion projects. Remember what Confucius … Read More

Mountains of Love

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“Love, even when you don’t feel like it.”                                                           ~Annah Elizabeth That was the first thought that came to mind as I stared at the stone upon which we’d been asked to write words of wisdom for the bride and groom. I was honored to be included in this quaint ceremony of close friends and family. Warren and Beauty and … Read More

Sex on the Beach

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Hubby and I celebrated our twenty-fourth wedding anniversary this past week. I had Sex on the Beach for the first time in my life. Warren wishes it were hot, steamy, new love kind of sex in the sand. I kind of liked the cool, refreshing and fruity flavor of this aptly named legal beverage.    The evening produced the … Read More

Our Roots

Annah Elizabeth4 Comments

  “This is the hard work of marriage,” I said to Warren. We were sitting on our deck steps, arguing the way we’ve argued for twenty-some years. Streams of snot and tears ran down my face. “The easier thing to do would have been to say ‘Fuck YOU,’ and leave,” Warren. “The easier thing would be to bury our heads … Read More

Two Things

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Dear Journeyer,Though this message was originally written with a single individual in mind, it applies for each and every one of us… I can’t seem to get enough of your writing. And, honestly, I just can’t shake you, or you and Hubby, or you and your beautiful little family from my mind. Last week I was moved to write you … Read More

I Could Use a Friend (or seven) Right About Now

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Journeyers, I need you right now. A couple of weeks ago, something inside of me broke. And instead of trying to fix it, I buried it. I went on weekend trips with Warren and pretended to myself and him and the world around us that we were happy. That I was happy holding his hand and standing by his side. … Read More

Staying Married After a Second Affair

Annah ElizabethUncategorized21 Comments

Last night I wrote this post, which was inspired by a piece about Bill Clinton’s sixty-sixth birthday. That article questioned if the former president could have known, the day he met then-President JFK, that he would someday succeed the great man. That question spawned another musing for me: Did it ever dawn on Bill that he might someday have a … Read More