I Matter

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  No matter our location, our age, our temperament, our prestige, or our personality, we will somewhere, sometime, encounter people who treat us as inferior. Often those people are strangers, sometimes colleagues, yet sometimes those people are friends, and sometimes, sadly, family… As I typed the word sadly I thought about what a therapist once said, “We don’t have to … Read More

On Etiquette, Failure, and The Well-Appointed Woman

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Numerous people have reached out to me, in some way or another, to discuss how someone is causing them angst. Every single person has expressed frustration and anger and concerns about how to move forward in the relationship. In the past four months, two of these women have been dealing with anxiety pertaining to their own mothers. That, my … Read More

It’s Not Personal

Annah Elizabeth7 Comments

I absolutely love the late Patrick Swayze. Gentleman. Genuine. Gorgeous. What’s not to love, right? I don’t know about you, but I’ll always remember this talented man who left this life way too early. Though there are many lines and scenes he lived out on the big screen, one that I frequently recall is the Roadhouse dialogue: “It’s nothing personal.” … Read More