Family and Fireworks

Annah ElizabethHappiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Parenting2 Comments

Happy Monday, Journeyer! This past week has been filled with family and fireworks, and even a sideshow of the two combined, if you get my drift. My family and I were able to spend some quiet time where we slowly moved from whatever moved us in any given moment; a nice respite from the crazy and hectic comings and goings that … Read More

Leading the Way

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

 I took this photo of the staircase in Independence Hall, Philadelphia Phew, Journeyer, has it ever been a whirlwind week! Traveling has a way of putting sails beneath our time, and I’ve been hitting the highways and skyways for sure. After returning from Hay House’s writing workshop in Denver, I spent Tuesday finishing last week’s Happy Happens piece, getting it … Read More