Taking Flight

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™4 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer!

What a strange week this has been!

A little overtime at work and an Easter luncheon where I overindulged…

College, scholarship stuff, and senior prom tuxedo shopping with Big Guy…

Helping that same young lad prepare for his first solo trip abroad! Selected to our section all-stars soccer team, he’s going to enjoy eight days touring and playing soccer in Paris, Belgium, and Holland!

Check out this little bit of humor we found at a local bagel shop en route to the team’s rendezvous point!

Tip Jar Humor

Sometimes it’s simply the little things that make our spirits soar, isn’t it?

I felt honored when Beauty asked me to help her with an application essay to attend the Loop Abroad program in Thailand in 2016…

and, admittedly, I felt a tad jealous that she’s going to be able to work with tiger cubs…


I don’t think I’ve shared this with you before, but one of my oddest dreams has always been to hang out with a tiger. I’ve often said that if I had the money and the knowledge (or the funds to pay people) I’d have a pet tiger.

We’ve visited a drive-through animal sanctuary in Canada several times and on each trip I always made sure we sat and enjoyed the tigers for the longest stretches of time.

Magnificent creatures and so entertaining to watch as they frolic and play!

This week we’ve had the highs of some bright spring sunshine. which were chased away by the return of single digit temps and an inch of snow on my car yesterday morning!

BUT, I continue to hear the birds chirping every morning when I leave for work AND I spotted the first robin hanging out in the yard outside my office window.

Robin in front yard

Spring is coming, North-easterners, it’s coming!

With spring comes Easter and the joy of filling baskets for my kiddos!

Knowing that Warren and I were going to go away for a few days, I managed to get all of the out-of-town boxes prepared and shipped.

That’s right, Journeyer, Hubby and I decided to get out of dodge for a few days and since heading far south to someplace warm wasn’t a viable option, we decided on the next best thing: the Tropicana Casino and Resort in Atlantic City, NJ.

Why? They have palm trees.

Me w Palm Trees at the Tropicana


And nightlife and good food and plenty of lights to simulate warmth.

Speaking of good food, I’ve also made another attempt to shed some of these burdensome extra pounds I’ve been carrying for far too long… I’ve recently heard and read about a fasting plan; one day fast followed by one day of eating normally.

Today completes my second fasting day and as impossible as I thought it might be, it really hasn’t been nearly as bad as anticipated.

Keeping my fingers crossed that trying something different might just give me the jump-start I need!

OH, and two other bits of exciting news! There’s only two-and-a-half weeks left before I head out to the first annual Grief and Hope Convention! Have you considered attending? There are going to be so many grief neighbors and healing allies under one roof!

Lastly, I’ve also been asked to join Clarity Connects as a speaker for their Buffalo event coming in September!

I’m so excited for them and all of the people who will benefit from their fabulous energy! More to come!

Speaking of energy, my insurance company approved the CPAP equipment and I have an appointment to get all set up this coming Thursday. I’m hoping for the same fabulous results others have told me they’ve experienced! More to come on that, too!

That increased stamina will help take The Five Facets Philosophy of Healing to even greater heights. Sharing your stories is what helps me fly, Journeyer. Thank you for giving me wings!

Speaking of wings, what week’s moments gave your spirits a lift or brought a smile to your face?

Until we meet again, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

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4 Comments on “Taking Flight”

  1. A tiger? Wow. That’s neat! Good luck with the CPAP – I have a few friends who swear by it. Enjoy your mini vacay!

    1. Hi, Liv! Yes, a TIGER! Are you a lover of these beasts, too? Thanks for the note on the CPAP; everyone I’ve talked to has said the same thing, so I am looking forward to positive results! Our vacay started out this morning with drizzle and overcast but my mid afternoon we were on the beach beneath full sun! It was a little breezy, but that sun felt so good on my face! Hope your week is off to a great start!

    1. Hi, Lana! Thanks for stopping by! Like you, I’ve found that I get back whatever energy I put out; when I choose to invest positive energy, I receive it back. Hubby and I had a nice mini vacay! Even though we each had a little work to do, it felt so much less stressful because we were able to fit it in in the middle of so many fresh, fun, and relaxing excursions! Hope your week’s going well, too!

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