A Way of Life

Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

On one of the recent San Diego jaunts with my boys, I spotted this sign strategically posted outside an apartment door: “Happiness is not a destination; it’s a way of life.”

I know I’ve heard this quote before but I think this is the first intentional display of the sentiment I’ve seen.

This Happy Happens column is at the very essence of what this phrase means: We must pay homage to those moments that bring us joy, both the loud and the low-profile events that put a smile on our face or simply make us feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Last night, as I viewed the past week’s events and photos, I couldn’t seem to spot a theme and, honestly, I was still so exhausted from the red-eye flight and the jet lag and the late nights and early mornings that came and went while in San Diego, not to mention the “catching up” and Easter preparations that ensued the second I landed, that I just didn’t have the energy to dig deeper.
I didn’t realize just how fatigued I was until I found myself sleeping in until 10:45 this morning! Kid you not!! I haven’t done that since my college hangover days.
Warren and Beauty and Big Guy planned an out-of-town fishing trip today, this last day of spring break. I was going to tag along with my computer or a good book, until they told me it was a fishing expedition, one where there’d be little standing in one place…
Looks like it was a good thing I begged off, because when I did finally wake I felt completely refreshed.
As I revisit last week’s images, that wall art seems to pull everything together.
There are several threads that weave themselves through last week’s happy.
What binds them all together is my way of life, a series of traits that can be found in almost every vein of my existence.
My persistent awe of our world’s natural beauty and the many diverse forms by which it presents itself.
My appreciation for the light and warmth that is always right around the next corner, both literally and figuratively.
My fondness for family and friendships and resilience and love and laughter and togetherness…
…for longevity and loyalty…

…my penchant for all things creative and unique…

…my gratefulness for those little things in life, like this curious eighteen-month-old who cooed his curiosity throughout the five-and-a-half-hour flight.
…for inspirational nuggets that abound…
…and for forgiveness and strength and courage…
…and for the human spirit that lives on for all eternity…
These photos and elements do capture a way of life for me, at least one I try to live consciously each and every day.
Though at any given moment I might stray from that course, I always try to return to these things, for they are, I think for all of us, the elements that will fill that happy place inside of us…
Happy belated Easter, Journeyer, and here’s to a successful hunt for this week’s happy…
I’d love you to share any of your Happy Moment(s) from last week! Post ‘em here!
Until we meet again, remember #Happy Happens and it truly is a way of life…
p.s. I’ll be back to load the rest of the photos later, but for now…my bed beckons on this, my last night of vacation…that 5:30 alarm is going to come mighty early! 🙂

One Comment on “A Way of Life”

  1. So glad you stopped by my blog, because it led me to yours! I’ve spent some time looking around, and I really like your writing style and philosophy! I’ll be back to read more!

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