In the Midst of December 1, 2013

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Thanksgiving week…
Meal preparations…
Beauty arriving home for her college break…
Warren and Beauty and Big Guy off hunting to fill our freezer with fresh, lean meat…
And a house we rent out to paint and pull up carpets and clean and scrub and hang new blinds…all in a matter of two days…
And this…
The joys of giving…Two gifts of O positive from Beauty and me…
Fun in the kitchen with my daughter, who decided to make homemade Thanksgiving treats for the animals at a local shelter…
“Pumpkin pies” for the pooches
Treat balls for the felines
If she could, she’d coddle and love and dote on every stray in the world, just like this one she adopted over the summer and gussied up for the holiday….
He’s not looking to sure about his new duds, but he was all the talk of the table!
A first for us, we headed to the movies for a night out at the end of our Thanksgiving day…
Catching Fire, the second in The Hunger Games series, was AMAZING!

And then one of my most favorite traditions…the finding and cutting down and decorating of our Christmas tree…

‘Tis the month before Christmas, when all through my house…

I thought about using the Schedule “Cheat,” since I didn’t get a post in last week, but I changed my mind…
All too often we feel like we HAVE to do something because it is expected, in this case, I’m afraid that if I don’t get at least one post in every week, then groups like BlogHer and those other places I aspire to work with will deem me an unfit/unreliable writer…
And then there’s the chatter of what we’re told, that if we don’t keep churning out words on a regular basis, the followers we have will fade away and move on to someone else’s story…
And, honestly, I like having you here, fellow travelers that I can laugh with and learn from…and I don’t want you to quit coming back…

But here’s the thing, Journeyers, sometimes life and living and lost time get in the way of what we want to do, what we need to do, or what we expect or envision we’ll be doing…

And when that happens, we can either fight it and bitch about it and let it totally ruin us for a while, or we can accept that we can still have and/or do what it was that we wanted, but that it might just look a little bit different than we’d imagined…

So, what about you? What Moments(s) fed your happy last week? Share them here and spread a little joy!

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