Under Pressure, Baring Ourselves for Healthy Boobs

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

I remember with distinct clarity (as clear as one’s memory can actually be three-and-some decades later) going to my first pubescent physical. I recall riding in the car and asking my mom if I was going to have to take off my clothes in front of the doctor. And I remember being pissed at her when I was instructed to … Read More

Man vs Woman, What’s Really at the Root of Inequality?

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

As I read Daily Plate of Crazy’s Girl Gaps, a post that reflects on women in-and-out of the workplace, ponders male/female inequity, and the stereotypes society hands out like Halloween candy to our children, I couldn’t help but think about a piece I wrote a decade ago. I audited a creative writing class during the summer of 2003, and one … Read More

On Sense and Sensitivity

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“I have more awareness of other people and, I hope, more sensitivity to their needs. I also find that I’m more direct and outspoken.” ~Christopher Reeve One of my most beautiful, longstanding friendships has been disintegrating for years now. Several of them, actually, have experienced varying degrees of altered states. And I’ve recently come to realize that I‘ve been the … Read More

I Am The Cure

Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

I am the cure. For what ails me. And I’m so glad that this past week of Mad and Sad is over. Some weeks are that way, where The Shit seems to flourish. That seemingly eternal anguish makes me all the more appreciative for those times like Mother’s Day week, when I noticed plenty of Happy. Honestly, until Friday, I … Read More

I’m Mad

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  I’m mad. Not in the mental sense, though that could be arguable, as much as I’m in my head. I’m just ill-tempered. Have been from the time I walked out the door and saw what last night’s freeze did to my plants. To the flowers that have brought me so much joy. Slumped over like defeated souls, petals heavy … Read More

The Gift of Receiving

Annah ElizabethUncategorized3 Comments

I find great joy in giving. And following my recent surgery, I acknowledged how great it felt when friends delivered food to my back door. But there was more to that story. An uncomfortable more that made me stop and access my behavior. The third bearer of gifts sat down at the table and chatted with me as I scarffed down … Read More

Addressing Attachment Injury

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“I’ve been thinking about you two,” Trish said, “and about how I can best help.” The last time Warren and I were in this therapist’s office, we had some heated discussions about The Future—Ours, His, Mine—The House, Retirement, The Economy, The Funds (now and forthcoming). He, who has lived in the same community—within a ten-mile radius—his entire life, is not … Read More

I Love My Bed

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

There are days and weeks when we feel as if every minute is a mountainous climb. Hours where we long for some reprieve from the (seemingly) endless distress. This past week has been one of those eternities for me. I took a new assignment at work and am dumbfounded by the lack of respect for adult authority. Whereas my previous … Read More

Decoding the Divine with The Indie Chicks

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

 Are you looking for spiritual resolution?Wondering about God and Divine Intervention?Join me over at The Indie Chicks, who have just published my piece, Decoding the Divine.Sending out rays of hope for your own spiritual healing… Soon…