I’m Mad

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  I’m mad. Not in the mental sense, though that could be arguable, as much as I’m in my head. I’m just ill-tempered. Have been from the time I walked out the door and saw what last night’s freeze did to my plants. To the flowers that have brought me so much joy. Slumped over like defeated souls, petals heavy … Read More

(Not) God’s Plan, God’s Will, or Divine Intervention

Annah Elizabeth8 Comments

The only exception I have to Richard Mourdock’s recent statements regarding abortion is…well…(almost) everything. There are so many emotions and feelings coursing through my body at his remarks that I don’t even know where to begin. I am equally repulsed, sickened, disheartened, angered, and flabbergasted that in the 21stcentury we still have people using language like “legitimate rape.” No matter … Read More

A Day with Wonderful Women, Water, and Waterford

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  My father and step-mother gave Warren and me a collection of Waterford Crystal as a wedding gift.   The glassware sat unused in a display cupboard for more than twenty years because I was afraid to use it. One day I came to my senses. Why was I only enjoying these beautiful pieces—which included an assortment of crystal bowls … Read More